Chapter 16

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Your guys' support is so amazing, I appreciate every single one of you!

Harrys POV (Soon it will be Liams I promise)

Today was a pretty hectic day for Liam and I, today we were getting Tyler, our best friends, Louis and Niall were coming over, and today I was going to convince Lindsay to schedule a paternity test. I know it's maybe not the best for the baby to do a paternity test while they're still in the womb but I don't want to assume that this baby is mine for six more months then get crushed to figure out it isn't mine.

We both quickly got dressed, Liam likes it if I pick out his outfits so I chose a white shirt with black jeans, he chose mine which was a grey shirt, black jeans  and a beanie to hopefully tame my hair a little bit (it didn't).

We were on our way to get Tyler, Liam driving as I texted Lindsay.

Hey, would you want to meet up tonight? You can come over and eat dinner with Li, Tyler and I -H

Of course, I know we have a lot to discuss and I'm sure Liam has some questions to ask too  -Lindsay

I sighed and set my phone in my lap, looking out the window. "Is she coming tonight?" Liam asked, glancing towards me.

"Yeah, so I suggest thinking of questions to ask her." I said getting ready to get out of the car since we were almost to Gemmas driveway. He nodded and turned into the driveway.

I hopped out, going to Gemmas car to get his car seat (that girl needs to learn how to lock her vehicle) and I put it into Liam and I's car. Liam was already inside because he always wants to be the first one to hold Tyler which honestly, I don't blame him. If he left me a single parent with a baby I would feel as though I should get the first kisses and the first hugs.

I walked inside and lightly shut the door so Tyler wouldn't hear me. I can hear him and Liam playing, his high pitched laughter echoing through out the house and the smell of cookies still lingering.

I knew where they'd be, in the living room where all the toys are; not like the sound of Tyler's voice couldn't lead me to him by himself but that's just a common place for them to be.

Quietly I walked in there, he didn't even here me come in since he was so focused on playing. A baby's interesting, the way they work is very fascinating, they can either be aware of every single thing around them, or they're not aware of anything at all besides one thing. And to me that's just amazing.

I slowly walked in the living room, trying to make sure Tyler didn't hear me. When he wasn't expecting it I slowly reached out and picked him up and started gently tossing him in the air.

"Ahhh papa got you didn't he baby" I yelled making Tyler giggle like crazy, putting his fingers in his mouth and with the other hand reaching down and grabbing one of my untamed curls. I kissed all over his face making him giggle loudly and push at my face. Suddenly our little moment was interrupted by Gemma walking in, her hair in a messy braid and a smile on her face. with her was a plastic container filled with cookies.

"Nice to see you guys, he was great the whole time he was here, he's such a little angel. Isn't that right baby, you're a little angel huh honey?" She came up and tickled Tyler's belly with her manicured nails making him throw his head back, almost hitting mine and erupting into a fit of giggles.

"Well, that's what we like to hear. I'm glad he didn't cause you any trouble" Liam said, standing up from his position on the floor, smiling at Gemma. "I'm going to go grab the bag and run to the toilet really quick then we can go" I nodded and kissed Liam's cheek and shifted Tyler into my left arm. I watched Liam walk away before turning to Gemma while gently bouncing Tyler.

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