Chapter 14

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Harrys POV

The next day I woke up next to Liam, both of us completely naked and him laying across me, face pressed into my shoulder, leg around my waist and one hand resting in my hair. His breathing was deep, indicating that he was still sleeping. I also woke up with several pictures of Tyler from Gemma, in one he had flour all over him, in another he was licking batter off a spoon and in another he was sitting behind a tray full of cookies, smiling proudly at the camera, I smiled and replied back. 

Tell him his daddies are very proud of how good he did :) -H

I set down my phone and looked back at Liam, admiring the way he sleeps. He sleeps like an angel, he always looks so peaceful even though it seems like he always has a tornado of good and bad thoughts going through his head at every second, he's still so so beautiful and calms the storm inside of me too.

After tracing my fingers against his warm skin for a while I decided to get up and shower, I moved slowly so I wouldn't wake up Liam and walked into the bathroom. I got in the shower, I was alone for a while, standing under the spray just thinking while enjoying the peace and quiet of not having a baby around (don't get me wrong I love Tyler but some days it's nice to get a little peace and quiet).
I heard the bathroom door open and didn't even have to look to see who it was, I knew it was Liam. All of a sudden two arms wrapped around me and I heard him humming I let out a laugh 

"Well good morning my love" I said turning around and shoving him under the spray and running my fingers in his hair.

"Morning," Liam said groggily, still half asleep.

"Did you sleep okay?" I poured some shampoo into my hands and massaged my hands into his scalp.

"Better than I have in a while yeah, how'd you sleep?" He rubbed at one of his eyes and leaned his head on my chest as I ran my fingers through my own hair.

"Good, but we have things to do today so I need you to wake up a bit more love." I stood under the water to get all the soap out and pulled Liam with me, getting the soap out of his hair too.

"What do we have to do today?" He whined, a pout working it's way onto his face. I laughed at how much of a child he looked like in that moment.

"Well we have to do some cleaning since Ty's gone and won't make another mess right after we clean it and I was going to take you to the gym with me. I still remember our conversation about you getting more fit physically" He let out a deep over dramatic breath and leaned his body against mine.

"But Hazzy"

"No buts Liam, you wanted to get more muscle so here's your chance." I said, he let out a long whine, pushing his face into my neck, I laughed at how childish he was acting in this moment considering he was usually very responsible and mature.

"Fine, but on one condition."

"Alright what is it"

"You can't wear a shirt the whole time and you blow me right now" A small smile made its way onto his face and I laughed.

"Deal" I kissed his lips and then dropped to my knees and well, you know what happens next

To say that Liam wasn't excited to workout was an understatement. He really didn't want to, he doesn't like when plans all of a suddenly change on him. His plans were to stay in bed with me all day, so no he was not at all wanting to do anything that required movement or facing the world.

I dragged him along behind me, him whining the whole time about how I'm such a bad boyfriend:

You hate me, you wouldn't take me to this disgusting place if you loved me

I blew you and swallowed, if that isn't love then I don't know what is babe.

That shut him up quick.

We walked into the gym, I signed in since I'm a regular to the gym I took him to. I saw him looking around, there was males and females, all were very physically fit, abs toned and bulging biceps. Don't get me wrong, Liam is strong but he hasn't been able to get to a gym for over a year having to take care of Tyler so I understand that he felt intimidated. I wrapped my arm around him, as soon as I did he shrunk further into my side. I kissed the top of his head and rubbed his arm, guiding him into the mens locker room.

I opened up my locker and threw my stuff in there including my shirt that I was wearing and turned and faced Liam.

"Do I put my stuff in there too or?" He trailed off, I laughed.

"Of course love, you aren't gonna use some random locker because I guarantee you one of those guys out there will take it." He swallowed hard and nodded, gently putting his stuff in and pulling out two water bottles then closing the locker door. We left and I took him over to the punching bag.

"Alright babe now put your fists up, and hit it as hard as possible." He hit it and it barely moved. "No sweetheart, put your thumb over your knuckles like this" I showed him how his fist should look like. "Now take a good swing at it, think of something or someone that you hate and pretend they're standing right in front of you, pretend the bag is their face and just take all your anger out on it." I saw a look of anger flash across his face for a split second before a determined look covered it, he swung his arm and hit the bag hard, harder than I had expected, I was surprised but it was a pleasant surprise as the bag swung back and forth.

"Fuck yeah babe, that's what I'm talking about!" I said smiling and laughing kissing his cheek. He had a slight blush covering his face. "Alright keep that same thing but this time we're gonna work on uppercuts" I continued teaching him what to do, going through all the things I've been taught when I was just a beginner in boxing. Liam was a fast learner, watching every single move I made like I was the only person in the whole gym, he was so so good at learning things but putting force into it was where he wasn't there yet.

"Can we be done please?" He pouted after he looked at his knuckles and noticed they were starting to bruise pretty bad.

"Yeah, yeah we can be done love, next time we'll wrap your hands too, for now I'll just get you some ice and probably some lotion" I frowned noticing his skin cracking. He nodded and took my hand in his gently and we walked back to the locker room.

"Was it as bad as you were making it seem?" I smiled up at him since I was sitting on a bench lotioning his hands while he stood in front of me holding a bag of ice.

"No I guess not but it still wasn't as fun as laying in bed would've been"  I laughed at the pout that was so visible in his voice.

"Well my love, we can go home and watch some movies then" I placed a kiss on his forehead gently.

"Coffee first please?" He looked up at me through his eyelashes, an innocent look on his face, I sighed.

"Of course lovely" He grabbed my hand and practically pulled me out of the gym, me laughing the whole time.

We got to the coffee shop and I ran in to get our drinks. 

"Is that all for you today?" The woman behind the counter asked. I nodded pulling out my card, not even listening to the price of our coffees. "Alright then, here you go, have a great day!" She said overly cheerful, I smiled and grabbed both mine and Liams drinks. I walked over to the counter beside the counter that you order at and grabbed two straws since Liam was waiting for me in the car since he was apparently too tired to get out and walk inside.

As I was grabbing my straws I heard female voices behind me, loud voices, voices that make you want to stick a knife in your ears because that would be less painful than the high pitched annoying voices. I turned around and gave them a quick glare, not even looking at them.

"Oh my god Harry is that you?!" One of the voices of the girls said.

I knew that voice. All too well.

It was her  voice.


Thank you all so much for sticking with me, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love you all.


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