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"Where are you taking me" Rylee asks as she fidgets in the passenger seat of my car.

"For the third time, just wait and see" I reply with a chuckle

She groans and throws her head back against the seat.

"I don't like waiting, or surprises" she states as her fingers drum along her leg.

I shake my head at her antics as I pull into the theater.

"We're here"

Her head snaps up and her eyes widen.

"No way, we're going to see Swan Lake?" She squeals.

I laugh and hand her the ticket I bought.

"Oh gosh Logan. I should've dressed up more" she says as she plays with the edge of her dress.

"Rylee, you look stunning"

It was the truth. She had her dark curly hair down around her shoulders, and she wore a blush colored dress that went off the shoulders and to just below her knees, and she paired it with natural makeup and nude pumps.

She smiles at me and grabs my hand, before slinging her bag over her arm.

I lead her towards the doors and through the theater until we get to our spot. I had spent a little extra money to get us a private box.

"Logan this is amazing. The view from here it's- I'm speechless" Rylee says as a smile stretched across her lips, and her eyes were wide as she took in the view.

I grabbed her hand and linked my fingers through hers as I watched her in awe. She was so carefree in this moment and I felt my heart squeeze at the joy in her eyes. The fact that I was the one to put it there, was amazing.

The lights dim and the curtain opens as a crescendo of quartet music fills the theater. The music bounces off the walls and settles in my chest, where I can feel the vibrations.

The dancers come out on stage not long after the music starts, but I find myself not paying attention to them, but the girl next to me.

I reveled in the feel of her soft hand in mine, and the heat her body produced next to me. She was intoxicating and luring me in.

Rylee was like a siren from all the fairytales you hear as a kid. She lured you in and made you forget everything around you. The only difference  was she made you feel good, she was uplifting and cheerful.

If she was going to pull me in, I didn't have a problem drowning.


Hours had passed before the curtains had closed and the lights came on. I had to blink my eyes a few times to get used to the light again.

"So, what'd you think?" I ask Rylee and she stares at the now empty stage.

"It was beautiful, and moving, and inspiring" she replies with a smile on her face.

She didn't realize how stunning she was.  The way her nose crinkled in the cutest way when she smiled, or the way her eyes lit up. She was a light.

"Come on we have one more stop" I tell her, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the chair.

She laughs as we sprint down the stairs and towards the main lobby of the theater.

"Hold on, I'm gonna run to the restroom, give me two minutes" she tells me.

I smile to myself and lean against the wall, running one hand through my hair.

A few minutes later Rylee appears beside me. She grabs my hand as we start towards the swinging double doors.

"Rylee?" A voice calls from behind us.

We turn around to come face to face with an immaculately dressed older woman. She was wearing a navy two piece suit, with a bright crisp white shirt underneath, paired with a set of black pumps and a matching bag. Her black hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail, and she had gold on her eyelids, which complimented her dark complex nicely.

My eyebrows furrowed as I took her in, she look really familiar, but I couldn't place her.

"Rylee that is you. What are you doing here?"

Rylee stares at the woman stunned, color had drained from her face and her grip on my hand was vice like.

"I'm sorry who are you?" I ask trying to break the awkward tension between the two females.

The woman glances at me with a raised eyebrow, before her eyes trail down to my hand encased in Rylee's.

She sticks her hand out for me to shake and I return the gesture.

"I'm Edith Davis" she quips with a strained smile.

I glance at Rylee, and noticed her jaw was clenched tight and tears were pooling in her eyes. Whoever this woman was, they didn't have a good experience.

"Rylee who is she?" I ask in a whisper.

The woman laughs. "Haven't you figured it out yet? I'm her mother"

I had to end it on a cliffhanger.

Thoughts on Edith?

⬇️ Rylee's dress (only blush colored)

⬇️ Rylee's dress (only blush colored)

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