Help Ferguson

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Darren Wilson walks free. No justice for Mike Brown. Great innit?


Actually no, it's not great. It's not great at fucking all. A racist MURDERER walks free! He killed an innocent Black boy. Don't 'but he stole cigars' bullshit me. Is stealing a pack of cigars worth taking your life? Is it REALLY? If that's your mindset, message me so I can block you.


Better yet, unfollow me RIGHT NOW if you're siding with Darren Wilson, THE MURDERER. Do it, right now. I don't believe that you can be neutral in this case. If you're not angry, you're not getting it. And when you're not getting it, YOU'RE PART OF THE FUCKING PROBLEM.


But I'm not here to talk about that per say. I'm here because I know a lot of peopler read this book and yet again I want to use the little power I have to influence you guys, because I know a lot of you do. So to all of those fuckers who came and attacked my comment section in my Perrie rant, where you at now?


So here are a series of links that are VERY important!! I'll leave them below so it'll be easier to click on them. And I'll leave a link to the masterpost of all these links in the external link for all those mobile users :)

Please help us make a difference. These links are a series of petitions to help Ferguson :)

Stay updated from the REAL sources that aren’t from news stations:

Petition to bring Michael Brown case to Supreme Court

Petition to federally charge and prosecute Darren Wilson for first-degree murder

Petition for all law enforcement officers to wear body cameras

Petition to secure justice for Michael Brown

Contact your state representatives

New app from aclu called ‘police tape’ where you can film police and it will automatically upload it to aclu server so police can’t delete it

Donate to Ferguson public library

Help remove support funds for Darren Wilson

Donate to the Legal Support Fund for Justice for Michael Brown (it’s $1,000 bail for arrested protestors)

Vote NO for grand jury making the right decision

Help get jackets to Ferguson protestors

don't just ignore this, please help! And special thanks to Alaysha for providing all these helpful links :)


if you want to know more about what's happening in Ferguson, feel free to pm bc i have LOTS of links. You really should, it's good to be educated in what's happening in our world currently. There's other shit going on as well, my entire Tumblr page is a good start XD


yeah actually if you want to know more just go to my Tumblr. There's only like 5 or 6 posts about 1d every once in a while but yeah most of it right now is really just Ferguson and world news


alright once again please please please help. If you have money, please donate! I wish I could but I'm poor :(


okay happy early Thanksgiving and make the people in Ferguson currently protesting have a better Thanksgiving as well? Thank you <333


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