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I'm pretty sure we've all heard about Calum Hood's nudes leaking, right? We've all seen them, heard the story but in case you haven't, here it is:

Calum sent nudes to a girl on Snapchat. The girl recorded it and leaked it all over the internet allowing ANYONE to see it. He later on confirmed it on Twitter, which was quite stupid of him, but yeah. His nudes leaked and yes, I've seen them.

Now when I went on Tumblr, I saw a variety of things. There was girls accusing the girl of it, calling her awful names because she had leaked Calum's nudes. It even went so far as to trending #StayStrongCalum on Twitter. No one judged Calum, everyone was pretty supportive of him, but to the girl who leaked it all she got as hate.

Now today, Jenniffer Lawrance's nudes leaked. Quite the opposite happened. The story was a guy hacked into iCloud and leaked various of Jenniffer's nudes. She got hate, she got called a slut and even Perez Hilton had to make it worse by spreading it even MORE than needed. 

Now if this doesn't scream sexism to you, I dont know what will.

This is injustice. Where is #staystrongjenniffer? Where is everyone hating on the guy who leaked it? Hmm? Where is all that? Why are you slut shaming Jenniffer? She didn't release those nudes, that is an invasion of her privacy!!!

Moral of the story: if you're gonna call Jenniffer a slut, call Calum one too. Better yet, don't call anyone a slut. A slut is someone who has sex a lot. So what if they have sex a lot, their sex life shouldnt matter to you. Its like making fun of someone who doesnt have sex at all. Like wow, loser.

Just stop slut shaming everyone, stop invading people's privacy's and stop caring about other's people's sex lives.

Ugh these people

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