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Honestly guys, I love TFIOS. I actually havent seen the movie yet sadly, but im working on it.

Anyways, I got a big problem with TFIOS. It's great and all, I love it, but it's overrated. I really is. I always see everyone talking about it and being like "yeah its my favorite story" but guys

its overrated.

john green is overrated.

everyone is always talking about how amazing the story is, but its just about two teenagers that have cancer. Im pretty sure everyone is aware that cancer exists, that these types of things already happen. Everyone is praising it like it's the best thing that the world has gotten. Obviously its Zayn Malik...okay? Okay.

I used to go okay? okay EVEN BEFORE TFIOS. I hate that every single time I say it it  suddenly a TFIOS quote. Same thing with allons-y from Doctor Who but thats just lets go in French.

and not to mention john green also thinks he wrote the best thing ever. It's not. Maybe talking bout idk, things that people arent aware of, that would be better. Like bullying, bullying exists in the world, why not talk about that? Suicide? Gay right? Racism? No, everyone is praising cancer, SOMETHING WE ALL KNOW EXISTS.

I know im being very bitter about it but thats really just how i am. Im sick and tired of seeing TFIOS everywhere tbh. I really dont understand why somethings are more praised than they should be. Dont get me wrong, im happy for John Green and his accomplishments with TFIOS

but we all know Looking For Alaska was better


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