34. Wrong Step

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As I race the highway, weaving recklessly between traffic, I feel my heart thrashing in my chest, fueled by rage and bitterness. Over the roar of the wind surrounding me, I suffer the deafening sound of my blood rushing my ears. I've been pushed to a line a never wanted to cross.  

I bluntly warned my father to leave Elena out of his drama and he ignored me as if I didn't matter. As if it wouldn't affect everything around me. He didn't care, he never will. The things that Elena told me were appalling. What we did to her that night was more than any soul should ever endure but he didn't stop there. He used her to make himself richer and further his tyranny. He defiled that girl over and over. It's bad enough he ignored my wishes, but I can let that go. 

What I refuse to stand for is him harassing Elena. Every time she's forced to be in his presence, she'll spiral into the night that her father was killed and her innocence vanished. I've searched 13 years for a solution to somehow receive the most diminutive redemption for what I did to that girl and now I know where to start. I'll rid her of my father and do everything in my power to make sure her nephew returns safely. It will never fully cleanse the trauma we bred, yet, it just might bring her some solace. 

My cell begins to cut through the noise and I reach inside my jacket to pull it out. Neveah's beautiful face flashes before me, but I won't answer. I can't let her talk me down and she will. Her voice alone could settle any beast. I need to do this, so I hit ignore and let it drop to my lap. 

As I quickly reach the gate in front of my parents' three-story home, my phone rings again. This time it's Rowan, so I answer, knowing he'd never allow my wife to take his away. "What?"

"Your wife is demanding you talk to her before she gets in the car," He grumbles.

"Just pick her ass up and toss her in! Do not bring her here, take her home! I'll be there when I've dealt with my father."

"I tried that." I hear him sigh. "When I went to grab her, she started screaming for help. Now we have an audience."

Jesus, she doesn't know when to stop. My frustration is beyond high with the entire world at the moment. I don't want anything to change my mind because I feel like taking care of this threat is a necessary evil. Not only for my conscience but for my wife. However, listening to Neveah and Rowan bicker, I know I need to speak with her so she doesn't draw more attention. 

"Put her stubborn ass on," I mumble while nipping at my knuckle. 

After a shuffle, Neveah's voice rattles my eardrums. "Have you lost your damn mind, Oso?"

"No, I haven't. I'm done letting my father come between us. I'm done with his idle threats. I'm done with all things Victor. He's got to go. It's time for my reign to begin!"

"Are you listening to yourself?" She barks. "Victor hasn't come between us once. I've always trusted your word over his, always. You people are not royalty. You don't get to rule over anything! Stop this and come home."

"No, Hermosa(Beautiful), no. I'm doing this."

"What happened to not putting the business before me?" She whines, causing me to picture those pouty lips. "I want you to think about this. You're all alone, going onto your father's property where he has a dozen loyal men to protect him. You'll never get out alive! Think about what happens to me if you don't make it back to me!"

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