25- Games

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Studying my wife, I notice one side of her mouth raises higher than the other. It's as if it's notifying me there is something more blissful than my confession on the horizon, her hand patiently waits for my phone.

How can I deny this woman anything after the understanding and compassion she's just showed me?

I don't know what she has planned, but I'm gladly willing to give whatever she desires. I slip my cell into her hand, slowly drawing my own over her fingers so I can cherish the feeling of our skin touching.

Nevaeh turns away and fiddles for a moment before Liam Payne, Strip that Down starts booming through the house. I can't help but laugh as she shimmies her body by way. The way her hips move sexy but gracefully makes me wonder if it's a natural talent or a learned skill.

She's like a spunky child. If only she was as oblivious as one. What she's endured over the past few weeks would break most people. She's handled it all very well, still, I wish she didn't have to be subjected to so much chaos.

Wiggling her fingers, Nevaeh summons me to my feet and takes my hands, grinning ear to ear. "Dance with me."

"That, I can do." I grin, hooking my arm around her waist, drawing her body closer to mine.

In perfect harmony with the tune, our bodies swing, bob, and grind. After a while, she spins so that her back is against my chest and her ass crowds my dick. The perfect shape has my eyes on lockdown as it teases me into a different sort of unease.

Grounding my mouth to her shoulder, not stopping my steps, I feather kisses inward to her spine. Heated breathing provokes a shiver to disrupt the fun and my wife rotates long enough to laugh my desire away.

"Not yet, " She tells me, sliding back.

I attempt to grab her. "Just why the hell not?"

She squeals and darts around the couch. "Because I'm not done lifting your spirits and if I let you take control now, I'll be dead to the world within seconds after. What other things can we do to relax?"

My browns stay locked on her beauty as I think about her words. As much as I desire her, she needs me to be patient so I will be. That doesn't mean I can't have my cake and eat it too.

"Getting naked is always top on that list, mi amor."

"Well, " She grins like a woman about to cause hell, pointing at the back door. "Is that a hot tub out there?"

I chuckle. "Very observant of you."

"Then, take it off, " She says, scoffing shortly after as I try to pull my shirt over my head without unbuttoning it. "Not like that!"

Pausing, I let the fabric fall back over my torso. "Like what?"

"Do it like you want me to worship you! You know, draw it out, make it build-up the anticipation for when we finally get in bed. Don't be lazy!"

"Lazy?" I growl playfully stalking her way. "Lazy?"

She snickers when I lift her over my shoulder and drop her on the sofa. Then, snatch the liquor from her hands. While I drink, I turn the music up louder. Once I've worked myself up, I set the bottle down, scanning as she reclaims it and settles in for a show.

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