18 - Home Again

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*2 Hours after news report*

I've tried calling my friends, brother, and wife a thousand times to no avail. There's been enough waiting. I have my plane on standby, heading out the door, only to be stopped by Marcus's limo pulling up. I'm frigid as he steps out of the car because he looks guilty as hell.

"My wife," I rasp with a throbbing heart.

A set of heels hit the ground with a sparse clack before she rises into view. A relief I've never fallen victim too before bombards me as I stride up to her. She looks sheepish as I check her over, grabbing her cheeks when I see a pop knot and gash above her right eyebrow. There's also a slit along the lips I adore.

My head jerks up. "Marcus, what did I say?"

"It wasn't his fault," Nevaeh tells me. "I left Mateo's side."

She stumbles on her feet a bit, giggling. Why the hell is she laughing? I'm furious and she's acting like this is no big deal. "What's wrong with you?"

Again, she cackles. "So sleepy."

"Um, "Marcus leans forward with a finger covering his lip. "Maybe a bit high too."

Now my aggression is aimed at another. "Mateo, I'm going to kill you!"

As my brother scoffs and Marcus laughs, I hear a forgotten voice and peek over my wife's head as the owner and two others get out of the limo. "Don't worry, honey. It's a medical high. She'll be fine and it's perfectly safe for her to sleep at this point. Her eyes are normal, no slurred speech...well, none due to her injury. She's just a lightweight with painkillers."

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I bark at the woman that tore out my friend's heart. Even if I used her as an insult earlier in the night, I didn't like how she left Marcus.

Mateo laughs. "Chill, bro!"

"No, I won't chill. When she decided to spread her legs for Marco, she forfeited her welcome here."

"Watch it, brother!" Marcus warns. I snarl, ready to chew some asses when I feel a finger against my lips. I peer down and Nevaeh is scowling at me.

"Shhh, grouch, sleep!" I can't help but chuckle because her heavy eyes make her adorable. It seems she paid for her foolishness. I happen to notice there are no rings on her finger. I'm not happy about that, not one bit.

Rowan taps my shoulder, making me look his way. "I'll take her to her room."

"No, I want her in my bed tonight so I can keep an eye on her."

Nodding, he looks up and frowns, pointing at Daisy. "You, how did you clear my check?"

Daisy smirks. "That's a secret I only share with people I like. Don't feel bad though, I had no damn clue who you were either."

Nevaeh is practically sleeping, leaning into my chest, so I swivel her body enough for Rowan to lift her. He looks regretful as he holds her close. I don't have time to ask what's bothering him because I need to address our guests. After I inform him to stick close, he walks inside.

"I see the trip wasn't a total disaster," I aim my head at the rescue. "Diana, please go in and make yourself at home. I'll call your parents shortly."

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