11- No Fear

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Getting ready for my debut, I wonder what Bellemy was going to tell me the day before. He tried over and over to get me alone, but his mother kept me busy long past him going to bed. I sort of felt like a jerk for not making the time I knew he desired, yet, I really didn't have a choice.

I stare at myself in the floor to ceiling mirror and frown. I look like a grandma in a loose plum dress that covers my knees and puffs at my shoulders. On top of it, there are ruffles and not the cute kind. They are ugly and overdone. You can't even tell I have boobs so I stomp my foot.

"Amada, this dress is terrible!" I bark.

"It's classy!"

"Maybe if I was 50! What happened to the one we agreed on with Marcella last night? You know the one that kept me up until 5 this morning."

"I decided it was too much, " While informing me, she fluffs the back ruffles. "You must always show elegance. The other one was trashy and showed entirely too much skin."

"It was not and you know what?" I scowl. "I like you better when you have a drink in your hand!"

I feel bad for a split second because of the grimace on her face. I don't mean to be so hateful but I want the mother-in-law I first met, not this pain in the ass, uptight stereotype. Her story was awful, still, it's hers, not mine and I want to be me.

Settling on the pouf, she groans. "I'm sorry, chica. I've been a wretch. I know that. I'm just on edge because of Victor's return. He's been gone for 6 months and I've enjoyed it. Now, I have to go back to fake a smile and putting on shows with a man I despise."

"You don't have to do any of that. Bellemy and I have come to a deal; maybe you and Victor can too. If you want to separate, tell him and your family! Stop waiting for someone to rescue you!"

"Oh, sweet girl, how many times must I remind that you have no clue what world you've been thrust into. However, I feel I owe you an apology. My words yesterday were those spoken of a bitter woman as you may know now. Nonetheless, watching how Bellemy looks at you gives me confidence in your future. Victor never showed me the type of affection our son does you. That leads me to believe that Rowan is right about you."

"What do you mean?" I ask, thinking back to the conversation I eavesdropped on. Rowan did mention that I might be able to make Belle see something, but I didn't think much of it until this moment.

Amada opens her mouth, but oddly, another voice is what I hear. "Hello? Are you ladies in here?"

My mother-in-law looks relieved by the intrusion. "Yes, come join us!"

Carmen floats into the closet and wrinkles her nose as her eyes trace over my body. I'm sure it's directed at my outfit. Hers is a stunning and sexy little black dress that shows just enough skin to drive the men crazy, but not so much that women want to slap her. Her night-shaded hair is crimped into a beautiful waterfall-like style and her shoes are a gorgeous gold tinted with flakes of glitter.

"Dios mío, ¿en qué infierno estoy?" She gasps. (My god, what hell am I in?)

My head flops around in excitement for backup. "¿Derecho?" (Right?)

Amada scoffs, crossing her arms. "It's a lovely dress!"

"No, mamà, it's not!" Carmen yells, spinning me to find the zipper. "Take it off, now, Nevaeh! Hurry before anyone has proof!"

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