20- Rodent Free

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I get dressed and go to the restroom, walking on cloud nine because of my morning with Belle. As I brush my hair, I replay his touches in my head. He was trying so hard to be rough to get his points across, but he just couldn't help to be tender with me.

After meeting Marco, I realize I got lucky beyond belief. I could have ended up with a rodent that infected me with diseases while stealing my soul, but I didn't. I got a man who loves me and treats me like his queen.

My phone chimes so walk back to the room and pull it off my nightstand and see a text from my one and only.

-You're beautiful so stop painting your face and get down here.😘-

-😍Aw, I love it when you use emojis. And, I'm not painting my face anymore. I'll be down in just a second. I need shoes.-

In the closet, another notification pops in and it's from my mother, which is odd because I've never given her the number for Belle's phone. I debate on opening it or not. In the end, curiosity gets the upper hand so I do.

-Baby, we need to talk. Please, call me.-

-We have nothing to say. How did you get this number?-

-Victor... but that doesn't matter! Please, call me!-

I shake my head and toss the phone onto a shelf before plucking off a pair of white sandals. I don't have any desire to let her weasel her way back into my life. She made her choice and now she had to learn from it.

Once I'm ready, I look at myself and smile. My white dress has quarter length sleeves and a high-low skirt with a layer of lace in a circle pattern. It's nothing fancy, yet, I feel like a million bucks. That's probably the aftermath of getting laid, though.

The knot on my head was impossible to cover, but I'm gonna rock it with pride because I survived a battle with a ruthless man. My lip is also a bit bruised but oh well. No pain, no gain, right?

Downstairs, I find a few people in Belle's office. My husband scopes out my outfit and smiles. "I like that one."

"I do too, " I spin, slowly, simply to work him up. "So let's not tear it to shreds."

"I did that so no one could see you in it ever again."

He pats his leg so I trot up to him, just to be stopped by Daisy. I step around her and take my seat on a throne of solid thighs. Belle instantly begins petting mine. He shouldn't be doing this. I might have to kick everyone out and let him take me in the swivel chair.

"Glad to see you smiling, Lovely, " Marcus grins, but I can see he's on edge.

"And I'm glad to see that you're still alive."

"He's lucky I need his influence or he wouldn't be, " Belle teases.

I rub his neck, smirking. "You two can admit you love each other, it's cool. No one will question your macho-ness."

"Vaeh, can I speak to you a minute?" Daisy says with a thin smile. "Alone, if possible."

"No, " I snap, not wanting to look at her. "Anything that comes out of your mouth will be lies."

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