19- Delightful Consequence

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I squirm in bed, trying to open my eyes. A blurry figure looms in front of me and I blink rapidly until the fog clears. It's my loving husband and Oh, yeah, he's pissed, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. I sit up and tuck my hair behind my ear, rubbing my arm nervously. I've figured out he doesn't really like when I chew it, so I'm trying not to nag the beast at the moment. I can see the fire burning in his orbs as clear as the flames that ate Marco's club the night before.

"Morning," I mumble, not receiving anything in return. so I sigh. "Look, I know what I did was wrong, but it needed to be done. I got Diana out of there and we got leads on the others! "

"I know that and I'm trying to be forgiving here, but you laid out rules that we make decisions together. You want me to include you, but the second I wasn't happy with a situation, you decided to say the hell with being equals!"

"That's not true!"Shouting, I bounce out of bed.

"You know, damn well, it is! We aren't playing this one-way street shit, Nevaeh."

"It's not one way!"

"Ha, right! So far, I've bowed down to your commands. I've let you be involved with every bit of this investigation. I've let you have your freedom. All the while, I'm repaid that effort by being restrained to a shower, left in the dark on your well being, and forced to watch a place, you were supposed to be at, burn on live television! You didn't even bother to call me and let me know-"

I cut him off because I know where he's headed and I had no control over my wound. " Oh, come on! I was injured! I woke up on the plane! I'm sorry!"

"You wouldn't have been hurt at all if you had just listened to me! I told you I was going to help! You assumed I was lying to get my way! Which is bullshit, by the way! I've been extremely honest this entire time! It may have taken me a minute to tell you about your parents but that wasn't for my good or theirs! I didn't want to hurt you and I knew their betrayal would!"

Well...I...um," My head sort of bobs and swivels as I try to come up with a response.

He's completely right, but I don't want to admit it. Belle gawks with a quirky look that tells me he knows he's winning this debate. Stupidity is brought on by my desperation to excuse my behavior. Since there is no good reason, I decided to change the course of our argument.

"So, I met Ella!"

Belle scoffs. "Uh-uh, that's a different discussion!"

"No, I want to talk about it now!" I demand.

"It's not going to help anything!"

"I don't care! How could you give me those rings? I get that I was never the person you wanted, but that's just a vile act! No woman should have to feel what I did last night when I found out those were meant for her! And, let me just say...Ew...Are you blind? That woman's got more wrinkles than a Shar-Pei!"

Pushing away from the wall, he barrels toward me and stops where I have to look up at him. "Nevaeh, I'm not discussing my relationship with Ella! Right now, I'm trying to make you understand-"

"What?" I toss my hands up, getting peeved. "That you would rather me stay inside and be the perfect hostess while sucking down spiked tea with mommy dearest, and waiting for the day I wake up and resent you?"

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