Birth (Hunter (part 7))

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Map of Illea up top 👆👍

Eight weeks later
"Our kids are coming any day now are you not nervous?"
"Okay babe, babe look at me. I'm the one giving birth so you need calm down nothing is going to happen. We have come so far from the beginning of this pregnancy so why are you back on week seven worries right after I told you?"
"I don't know I just don't want anything to happen to you or our kids, who we still need to name. Because I don't think the country wants their next ruler to be named baby A or baby B,"
"Well what were you thinking of names?"
"Well, I think Brinley for the girl and Atlas for the boy?"
"I like those they are unique and different. But I was thinking at least one of our children could have a Hispanic name from my heritage from Sonage?"
"Of course my Rose I would love that! What names were you thinking?"
"For our baby boy Antonio, and for our little girl Luna."
"I really like the name Luna."
"What about Antonio?"
"Well, that's the Calgarian mayor's name."
"Oh. We definitely don't want to give our child the name of some mayor."
"So our little girl is going to be named Luna?"
"Thank you! I love you!"
"I love you too. And I love the name Luna," 💋
"So our little baby boys name will be Atlas
"Yeah. Have I ever told you how much I love when your happy,"
"I don't remember maybe you should remind me," 💋
"I love you more than anything in this whole wide world. You are my one and only Rose."
"I love you too," 💋
1 week later
I was sitting and reading a book while Hunter was reading the paper when I felt water drip down my leg.
"Hey babe? I think my water just broke," I must of mumbled it because he didn't do anything just kept reading.
"I said my water broke!" That got him into action. He hurried over to me, picked me up, then started run towards the medical wing.
"Hunter! What are you doing!"
"Getting you to doctor Leger before you give birth?" He is confused.
"Babe, it can take up to 24 hours to give birth I have some time before we have our little bundles of joy."
"Where do you want to go then?" He had stopped running now and had a furrowed brow on his adorable face.
"I would like to get my book you so rudely knocked out of my hands when you were in your hurry to the medical wing."
"Okay my dear. Lets go,"
"You can put me down,"
"I'm good," adorable. He is adorable.
Twelve hours later
"Can we go to the medical wing now?" This was the 50th time I had a asked and Rose was getting annoyed.
I pick her up and start walking.
"Hunter! I can walk on my own," I much preferred to carry my beautiful fiancé.
"But it will be quicker if I carry you." That sounds like a good reason. Right?
"That is not a good reason,"
"I love and hate that you can read my mind."
"I know," then she kissed me on the cheek.
Hospital wing
"So you are five centimeters dilated Rose so four more centimeters till you can start pushing but we would have to dilate you now if you want it?" Steph said
"She wants it Dr.Ledger." I said 
"Wait maybe I don't want it how would you know Hunter?"
"I just don't want you to be hurting,"
"Okay, yes we will stick with the birth plan I gave last week."
"Wait you were going to get dilated anyway?"
"You know how I love to give you a hard time."
"And I still love you,"
"I kno- ahh!"
"What happened? Steph! Somethings happening! Doctor!"
"Somethings happening?"
"She is having a very bad contraction, nothing is wrong with her or the babies."
"The king and queen would like to come in may they?"
"Of course they can let them in."
First mom walks in the dad. That's how they always walk in to rooms when it has to do with family, different from how they walk in to dignitary events hand and hand, and when they walk in to meetings dad leading. But I think the country knows who's really in charge. At least our family does.
"Hello honey how is our mother to be?"
"She can answer for herself mom."
"Oh, I didn't know high the drug dosage is. I just know when I had you three by three centimeters I was begging for all the numbing drugs they had. So I really don't remember giving birth,"
"I remember you were screaming at me to never come near you again and keep my slimey gross hands off you. Then begging to hold on to my arm, while telling one of the nurses to kick me in the balls so I would feel your pain and so you would never have to go through that again." Dad mumbled.
"Really? Mom you were that ba- you know what actually I can see it,"
"Yeah not my finest moment, but it was all worth it when you, your brother, and sister were finally in the world,"
"Thanks mom,"
"Just breath okay, I'm right here. Just breath with me. In. Out. In. Out."
"Okay its over. That was the worst one yet,"
"I feel bad that you have to go through this alone. If I could I would of wished to be giving birth to our children."
"That's a weird image in my mind," She starts laughing and it is adorable, I love her.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks.
"I just love looking at you," I kiss her and I am about to deepen the kiss when I remember my parents are both still in the room.
"We will finish this later my parents?" I whisper.
"Oh, yeah."
"Well we'll get going and leave you too. We can't wait for our first two grandchildren to be born. Thank you." I know the thank you was to Rose because she did all the hard work. I was just there for the creation and really couldn't help with much else.
Then I feel Rose's hands around my neck pulling me down and we continue our little make-out session.
2 hours later
"Ahh! I think the babies are coming the contractions are closer together now! Get the Stephanie they are coming now!"
I sprinted out of our little private room and rushed to Stephanie's office.
"Rose is have I got the babies now!"
"Well lets go," she sprints out of the room and we get back to Rose's room.
"Okay mom are we ready to meet these bundles of joy after 9 months?"
"I'm right here baby. Right here, I am not going anywhere."
"I love you,"
"I love you too,"
"Not to brake up this adorable display of affection but these babies are coming now so Rosie you have to start pushing. Are you ready?"
"Yeah, ahhhh!"
4 hours later
"And this is your little boy. They are both so beautiful I hope to have kids like them one day,"
"Thanks Steph," says Rose
I look over at Nate and he looks uncomfortable from what she said.
"Hey, Nate I need to talk to you,"
We walk out of the room letting Steph, Rose, and Ella talk about the babies and such . While I grab Kile and Nate to "talk".
Outside the hospital wing
Hunter whispers something to Kile. He looks back at me then nods.
Why are we going out of the hospital wing? I stop.
"Why did you stop little bro?"
"Where are we going?"
"We need to talk about something,"
"Just come a little bit further so she won't hear us."
"She? She who?" I ask the question but I know they mean Steph. I've had a thing for her for awhile. But I act nonchalant.
"I think you know who she is little bro, don't you?"
"Nope!" Of course I do! I mean I feel like it isn't obvious but it probably totally is dang that sucks for me.
"Okay, just know that I think you should go for."
"Yeah man you deserve happiness" Kile said clapping me on the back and they both walked away.
I could ask her out when we both go to the beach houses. Yeah! I can't wait!

SOOOOOOO sorry I have not been updating been super busy! Also been completely changing the next couple chapters because I wanted to make them a little better. Thx people 😊

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