Chapter 3

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Livi's POV

"He's such a guy, Livi." Harry grumbled as we shared a funnel cake at the fair. Josh pulled me out of school which I didn't question at all. The boys agreed that I should spend sometime with them before they went on another long tour again. Ironically, a couple minutes before we were about to head out, Zayn said he had a date with Perrie. Sure, it stung. You kiss a girl then go right back on dating your girlfriend. I was just glad he didn't bring Perrie along with us.

I sighed and lightly picked at the fried food, covered in powered sugar and sweet strawberries. "I guess. But hey, at least I got that kiss."

Harry didn't seem very happy at all. He had a death grip on his fork as he muttered things angrily. His mouth moved too quickly for me to read them so I couldn't understand at all. I pulled out my iPhone and opened up the Notes app. I shoved it towards him, blinking cursor waiting to be moved along and fill the page with words. He took it, fingers tapping away.

(No italicizes on the iPod. Sorry.)

"He shouldn't have done that, Liv. He's acting like a jerk. He's just playing with you."

I read over Harry's harsh, yet honest words. Harry noticed me staring at the words for a long time and made me look up at him.

"You know it's true, Liv. I'm sorry." Harry said, rubbing my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug that I didn't resist.

"No it's all right. I needed to hear that. It's a 'bout time I stop liking a boy I can't even have." I really meant the words with all my heart. I made it clear in my head that I didn't like Zayn that way anymore. And wishing hopelessly that maybe he'd break up with Perrie and he'd come running to me, seemed pointless now.

My heart seemed to be thinking otherwise.

'Zayn, Zayn, Zayn,' It seemed to whisper. Ugh, how could you not like a boy like that? Harry let go of me and caught me staring out into the distance.

"What are you thinking about?" He said, me reading his lips like always.

"Zayn." We both said together. Harry bit his lip a bit and let out a small sigh.

"Come on, let's go find the others. Some roller coasters will get your mind off him." He gave me his signature smirk, throwing away our funnel cake, taking my hand, and dragging me towards the nearest coaster.

Harry and I came off the ride laughing, looking at our faces as the camera got us at the drop. I couldn't stop laughing. Our expressions were priceless, eyes all big and screaming our heads off. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped so high and turned around to only see Ben, laughing his head off at my reaction.

"You scared me! I thought you were like a murderer or something!" I screamed at my brother, punching his arm. He rubbed it, jokingly, like it really hurt.

"Okay, so I'm a girl. I'm not exactly ripped with all this muscle."

"I've got muscle." I saw Louis mouth move, striking a pose, showing off his "guns". He pointed to them as I squinted jokingly.

"Hmm? Umm, what am I supposed to be looking at?" I teased.

"You don't think I have muscle?" Josh was over there laughing along with Niall and Liam, barely making any motions for me to follow in case Louis was talking to fast.

I shrugged, smirking. "Not much. Just saying."

"Oh I'll show you muscle, Olivia Devine!"

Thinking he'd go over to some strength game or something at the fair, like the one with the hammer or when you squeeze some robots hand to see how strong you are, I didn't really pay attention and let my guard down. Before I knew it, Louis swept me off my feet, and threw me over his shoulder.

"LOUIS!" I screamed, pounding on his back. "Put me down! LIAM?! LIAM! PUT YOUR PHONE DOWN RIGHT NOW!"

He was laughing too hard, still taking pictures and probably videos. Louis was purposely, spinning around in circles, probably trying to get me sick.

It was working.

"L-Louis, I-I will throw up on you i-if you do not p-put me down."

Louis didn't seem to hear my hoarse voice and kept spinning. I shut my eyes tight, hoping the dizziness would go away.

"Louis. I'm going to shave your eyebrows off when you go to sleep tonight and if you wake up, I'll replace all your bottles of shampoo with ranch dressing. So put me down before I kick you so hard in your soft spot you'll be able to hit that high note in all your solos!"

Louis immediately stopped and put me down, backing up and away from me. The other boys were laughing like maniacs. Liam finally put his phone down and helped Niall up who was literally, rolling on the floor laughing.

"This is so going on Twitter." Josh made the movements in the air, laughing even more.

That whole night, that was all I saw on my twitter feed. I must admit it was pretty hilarious. Fans were dying of laughter and even Louis and I poked some fun at each other. We loved to tease each other. Louis was like another big brother to me. I loved all the boys a lot. They were like a second family to me. It was great to spend some time with each of them.

But best of all, it helped me get my mind off of Zayn.

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