-Chapter 5-

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Lucy stared at the red dragon in awe, she was surely scared, but for some reason, she felt comfortable with that dragon, she couldn't help but smile at him.



Lucy woke up in a soft bed and looked around, all she remembers is Ia red dragon knocking her out, and now she wakes up in a classical bedroom(A/N: Like the princess Diaries 2 bedroom). She looked around and saw a gown, shoes, and some jewelry already set up for her. She wore the pink gown and looked around(A/N: her gown in My Resolve). She ended up in a giant thrown room, 'man this place could fit a dragon' Lucy thought as she looked around more and saw a painting of her past relatives, her mother, and her.

What the hell is this?! Lucy screamed in her mind, then suddenly and hand was by her shoulder. She looked behind her and it was Layla, her mother, who was supposedly dead.

"M-Mama....?" Lucy said shakily, she stared at her in horror, she touched her mothers face to see if she was a ghost, she was real.

"I'm dreaming" Lucy smiled at herself

"I could never be in a castle, I could never see my mother, and I could never believe these" Lucy smiled and walked away, Layla held Lucy's hand and Lucy froze.

"This is real Lucy, I can tell you that, I'm real, and this isn't a dream, nor a nightmare, you are in the Dragon World" Layla looked at Lucy and Lucy just stared at her in shock, tears were slowly falling down on Lucy's face, she then fell on her knees and cried while shaking her head.

"This can't be real!" Lucy cried more, Layla then approached her daughter and hugged her

"This hug, I would always give it to you when you cry, I'm real Lucy, and I miss you" Layla told her, and Lucu hugged her mother.


Lucy and Layla enjoyed their time together, they ate and had fun like opd times, but it was time for dinner, they sat at the very long table, Layla sat at the large chair at the end of the table, while Lucy sat beside her mother, well, not really beside.

Then suddenly people filled the place, they each had different hair colors, eyes, shape, and genders of course. A man sat beside Lucy, he had red hair, he somehow looked like Natsu, the difference is that no scarf, red hair, and...a tux?! Lucy thought

"Everyone! Settle down, you are now all infront of the princess, and the queen"Layla told all of them, and they all quieted down. Lucy sat up straight, any of the females in here could be the princess and they queen, she didn't know that the princess and the queen, is actually her and her mother.

"as queen I'd li-"Layla was cut off by her own daughter

"Queen?!?!"Lucy looked at her in disbelief

"Does that mean I'm-"Now Lucy was cut off by her own mother

"A Princess, now let me continue?"Layla looked at her daughter, she nodded slowly and processed everything that's happening, or will happen.

"Now, I want all of you to introduce yourselves to the princess" Layla smiled at all of them, they all stood up and so did Lucy, she went beside her mother.

The man from awhil ago caught her eye, she couldn't help but think he looks so familiar, then it suddenly hit her, she knew him, she knew very much. Her eyes widened and shakily pointed at the man.

"Lucy?" Layla asked her daughter

"..I-Igneel..." she said out loud, Igneels eyes widened and looked at her with curiousity, he needed answersz all he knew is to bring the princess to the dragon world, he never knew she would know him.

"They're dragons.."Lucy whispered, but ebpveryone heard her mumble those words.

"That means...Grandeeny! And Metallicana!" Lucy smiled and searched for them. Two figures went out the crowd and stared at Lucy.

One was a man that looked like Gajeel, but he was wearing a tux, and looked a bit older. The other was a woman, she looked like Porlyusica, but no wrinkles and looked younger, she wore a soft silky blue gown.

"How do..you...?"they asked Lucy, and she just smiled at them.

"I know your children, we live in the same guild"she smiled at them cheerfully, and they crowded her with questions, after all, the princess knows their children, it's very...(A/N: I forgot the word X<)

"Please, Lucy can tell her story, for now we celebrate a feast for her return!" Layla announced and the dragon-who are currently in their human forms- cheered and celebrated.

'they remind me of the guild' Lucy thought and smiled at them.


The feast was finished, and they all gathered uo the throne room, Lucy at Layla sat at the thrones, and Lucy began to tell the story of how she met them.

" I was in Hargeon, I was walking when I saw a man, I fell in love with him at first sight, though I wasn't the only one, there were lots of women fawnig over him, until Natsu ran pass and found out that he was just a fake..." Lucy continued her story, and some of the dragons fell in love with an unintentional love story, Matalicanna was disappointed with how Gajeel acted at first, and Grandeeny was boasting about Wendy being so powerful.

"...amd that's how I got here" Lucy smiled, Igneel was sulking at his son's action. Some cired at the letters and stuff, but it was all in good hands.

"That settles it!" Layla shouted and pointed at Lucy, everyone looked at her shockingly

"You are going to be an elemental dragon slayer! Beat that crappy son of Igneel, and be the most powerful mage ever!" Lucy shook Lucy as she stared at her mother in disbelief, even the dragon, especialy Igneel.

"Crappy son?!"



Lucy and Layla were inside Lucy's bedroom talking, Lucy wanted to confirm everything that happened today, but she was sure none of this was a dream.

"So I'm seriously going to train? With each and every dragon?" Lucy asked

"Well, as queen I also went through that, after all, even without the son of Igneel, you'd still train with all the dragons"Layla answered

"but I have a feeling that the son of Igneel;Natsu, was being controlled" Layla followed

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow"


Lucy was outside the castle with all the other dragons, there she met Crystal; the ice dragon, she had light blue hair, and snow white eyes. She also met Aqua; the water dragon, she had ocean blue hair, and blue eyes.

"Mom, about yesterday, about Natsu being controlled, what do you mean?" Lucy asked her mother while watching the dragons play around.

"You see..."


Haha! Cliffhanger!

Don't worry! I update quite fast! So you could either expect one tomorrow, today, or next week! Haha! XD

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