Chapter 11~Longer~

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~Nikki's P.O.V:

After I got tired of watching TV I got up and went downstairs. When I walked into Aunt Clara's office she was on the phone. I sat infront of her patiently waiting for her to get off the phone.

"Ok thank you Danise. I will be there shortly. Mmkay, you too. Bye." Then she hung up the phone.

"Nikki, I need you to watch Lily for a while while I go run some quick errands." She said standing up.

"Ok, will you be back by 1:30?"

"Probably, why?"

"oh I just have a lunch date with a friend of mine."

"Ok. I will be back soon." She said kissing my forehead. When she pulled out of the drive way I went to the kitchen to go and make Lily some Mac and Cheese with cut up hot dogs in it for lunch. While I was waiting for the water to boil I decided to text Kellin;

N: Hey, my aunt went to go run errands so we might have to push back lunch.

After I sent it I put the now done Mac and Chesse into a bowl and went upstairs to go get Lily. While she was washing her hands I went back downstairs and my phone beeped.

K: Thats OK. I understand.

N: Do you actually want to come over now?

I can't believe I just sent that. Now I sound desperate.

K: Sure! I'm on my way! (:

When I saw that Kellin was coming over or on his way my heart fluttered and I smiled.

"Whats up Nikki? You seem, happy?" Lily asked looking up from her bowl of mac and cheese.

"Oh Kellin is justing coming over to hang out." I said as I sat down across from her.

"That famous guy?"

"Yup!" When I said this her eyes grew huge.

"Sombody famous. Is coming here?" she said as she finished her last bite of mac and cheese.

"Yup! Sweety do you want some more mac and cheese?" I asked getting up from the table. She noddeed her head quickly. When I set down her new bowl of mac and cheese the door bell rang. When I opened the door there stood Kellin wearing an anthem made t-shirt, black skinny jeans and some black TOMS. He had on black snuglasses that covered his big blue eyes, when I opened the door he smiled.

"Well hello Cinderella." he greeted me with.

"Come in, Lover Boy." I said with a laugh.

~Kellin's P.O.V:

"So where are you and that chick going?" Jesse asked looking at me.

"Well Nikki is her name and I was thinking the Mongolian Grill." I hope she isn't vegetarian or anything, I can't live without a nice juicy steak every once and a while.

"Whatever Lover Boy."

"Shut up! Stop calling me that!" I yelled walking to the back room, shuting the door and turning on the TV. Then my phone rang.

N: Hey, my aunt had to run some errands so we might have to push back lunch.

My heart sank.

K: That's OK. I understand.

N: Do you wan to come over now?

K Sure! On my way! (:

I litterally skipped from the back lounge to my SUV smiling like an idiot. I hope that last text didn't sound desperate or anything. I erased that thought and started to drive to Nikki's house.

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