Chapter 29

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Jesse's P.O.V

'an emergency unit will be there in less than a minute.' the crisis line lady said. I walked into the bathroom and saw that Kellin was holding Nikki.

"I love you baby girl." he kept whispering over and over to her. I heard the sirens coming closer tot he bus.

"Kellin you need to move." he just stood there. The paramedics were on the bus now. "Kellin you need to move." He looked up at me his face soaked in tears.

"Son you need to move for us to get her to the hospital." the paramedic said walking into the room. He just blinked at him. "Sir you need to remove him or we can't get the girl." I nodded and grabbed Kellin my the shoulders.

"NO! SHE NEEDS ME!" He kept yelling as the paramedics rushed to take Nikki to the hospital. "I failed her. Shes gone." He said sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. I sat down next to him and out my hand on his shoulder, he flinched away from me. "Don't. Touch. Me." he said moving to the back lounge. I sighed, he needed space. 

"I'm leaving Kellin, everybody else needs to know that the tour is going to be post-poned." With that I walked off of the tour bus. I went to Pierce The Veil's bus first. Mike opened the door with a cigerette in his hand. 

"Hey man, whats up?" He asked moving out of the way so I can get ont he bus too. I walked in the front lounge.

"Mike! Put that damn thing out!" Vic yelled  coming from the bunk area. "Oh hey Jesse, hows Nikki doing?" I looked down.

"Not  too well man."

"Yo! Guys I just saw an aid car rush out of the parking lot, is everybody okay?" Jaime said coming in the front lounge putting down a couple of grocery bags on the small kitchen table. I felt a hug lump form in my throat.  Vic's face went a pale white. Mike looked at his brother.

"Vic it looks like you just saw a ghost. You alright man?"

"Jesse did she?" He didn't have to say no more before I felt my head nodding a few tears threatening to fall.

"Damn lust driven fans."  Tony muttered. Vic nodded.

"We should go tell Jenna and everybody else." Vic said standing up. With that all of us left. But Vic went towards our bus.

"Where are you going man?" I asked he turned around.

"I'm gonna go and hang with Kellin, well if he will let me." I nodded and watched as Vic his way to our bus before turning around and heading to Tonight Alive's bus.

Kellin's P.O.V:

I must have fallen asleep or something because I woke up with someone banging at my door.  I got up off of the couch on the back lounge and tried not to look at the bathroom beacause my baby's blood was still in there. I opened the bus door and there stood Vic.

"Hey man." I said walking back tto the front lounge and curling up on the couch. "Can you take me to the hospital?" I asked. he nodded and grabbed my keys off the counter and we both got into my car with him driving.

*At the hospital*

I walked into Nikki's room and saw her laying there. She looked like a glass doll. So fragile. I went over to her and kissed her forehead. I sat in the chair next to her bed and held her hand. It was cold and limp.  I broke down and cried setting my head down on the bed. I fell asleep yet again. The sound of her heart monitor was my lullaby. When I woke up it was dark outside. I took a cab to the venue where the bus was parked. Jesse left a note saying that everybody was on Pierce The Veil's bus. I moped around the bus not knowing what to do. I sat on the couch. Then I got up and tried to eat but I just ended up playing around with my salad. Nikki was just on my mind. I went to my bunk and saw a note on my pillow. It was in Nikki's handwriting my stomach churned.


I'm sorry if you had to find me like this. I'm not worth yyour time or the space on the earth. I love you. Please move on but don't forget about me.



I put down the note. I felt sick to my stomach. I can't do this anymore. Not without her. I grabbed a pice of paper and wrote something short.

'I love you Nikki.'

I grabbed a belt and slipped it around a bed post from mine and Nikki's old bed. I left just enough room for my head to fit through. I looked at it and sighed.

"I love you Nikki." I whispered before slipping my head through the loop. I leaned forward sooner or later my head started to feel dizzy. I closed my eyes and let darkness take over me. Then I felt myself take my last breath. My last thought was,

'Your always in my heart Nikki.'

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