Chapter 32

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Nikki's P.O.V:

I woke up at 7 AM and looked around my little apartment. It was a complete mess. And on top of it all Kellin was coming home today too. I instantly became stressed. I bolted up and threw on a sweatshirt over my tank top and short shorts. I turned on my I-Pod and hit shuffle, Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls began to play. I smiled and thought of Kellin then I remembered that I needed to go grocery shopping. I thought that the house was more important so I grabbed the duster and began dusting. After I finished dusting the living room I grabbed my small vacuum and began vacuuming. I looked at the room and saw that the picture I hung of Kellin and I when we first met, I remembered when that picture was taken.


"Kellin!" I whined he said he wanted to do something special for my 20th birthday so he covered my eyes with a blindfold. "Where are you taking me? Isn't it like one of those murder novels? Where the boyfriend brings her to a nearby park on her birthday and then they end up having amazing sex, then he shoots her and dumps her into a stream?" He stopped.

"You know you need to stop reading those books." he laughed. We continued to to walk again. "Watch your step here." he said quietly. I felt the soft ground through my ballet flats. We stopped. "Alright." He said moving away and I reached back and untied the blind fold.  I opened my eyes and say two small lawn chairs with a table in the middle of them with two Subway sandwhiches on it. On one lawn chair their was a big beautiful bouqet of tulips. I smiled and looked at Kellin, who looked very nervous. "I hope its alright. I was so stumped and I didn't know what to get you so I did this and I think its just doesn't look all that great, lets just go home." He said all in one breath and blushing at the end.

"No." I said picking up the bunch of colorful tulips and smelled them. "It's beautiful, I didn't want anything big or expensive." I said walking towards him. "You are that I could ask for." I said before I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you." I said before kissing him. He replyed with his pressing harder against mine. He grabbed out a small camera from his pocket.

"Lets take a picture." He said holding up the camera a light breeze came through and picked up my side bangs and pushed his hair in his face. Us both were smiling wide and looked as happy as we can be.

-End of Flashback-         

I sat down at the little island and looked at the kitchen that I just finished cleaning. I looked around at the sparkling white kitchen then I looked at the time. 12:00 crap. Kellin will be here in about an hour and a half and I still need to shower and go to the store. I quickly ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower, by the time I got out it was 12:30 that only gives me about less than an hour to go shopping. I grabbed the keys to the small Volkswaggon Bug that I bought a month ago a few weeks before Kellin woke up and ran out the door to go to the local QFC. 

Kellin's P.O.V:

I layed there looking at the ceiling in my hospital room. Today, today I get to go to our home. Nikki was always telling me about, she bought a small apartment that was big enough to fit the two of us and the occasional guest if one of the guys want to crash in the small guest room. I just wanted to hold her in my arms again. I just want to kiss her.


Hey guys sorry this is like really, really short. I've kinda got stumped at the end but you guys wanted an update so here it is.


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