Chapter 15- Destiny Jade Sugg

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Joe's POV

It was the shout and thud from upstairs that made me run like lightening to where the nose was. I really hope she is OK.

Running into the bathroom, I feel my heart stop. There, on the bathroom floor, unconscious, was my beautiful, pregnant fiancée. Kneeling down next to her, I check for a pulse. Shit.

''Dotty, can you hear me?'' I call through tears. I felt my heart breaking slowly. She cannot die, she just can't. ''Di, sweetheart, please can you open your beautiful eyes for me?'' Sniffing, I place my nose against hers as I cry. I should really call an ambulance but my body is attached to hers, I can't leave her. It's like I'm frozen and as much as I need to call for one, I physically can't. My legs won't move. I'm terrified.


 Opening my eyes, I see my gorgeous girl looking at me scared. ''Dotty! Oh my God,'' I breathe. ''You scared the shit out of me,'' I hug her for dear life, frightened she was going to disappear. ''What happened?'' I lift her up slowly and gently, letting her sit up properly, my arms wrapped around her.

''I'd left the towel on the hook, and instead of getting out of the bath to get it, I lent across to reach and slipped.'' 

''Oh my God, Dianne. You should have shouted me, I would have got it for you. Are you OK? Did you hit your head? Do you need some ice, or painkillers? Is Desi O-'' Dianne cuts me off with a kiss.

''I'm OK, my heart hurts a little. But, Joe, erm,'' She pauses.

''What? What's wrong?'' I panic.

''I think Desi is coming. My waters broke when I fell.'' Her voice was laced with worry.

''What?! Are you sure? Dotty, she can't be. She's a month early. It's too soon, Dot.'' I was rambling. Letting go of her, I stand up as I pace the bathroom floor. I was freaking out. I knew I needed to stay calm for Dianne, but the fact my unborn daughter was pretty much on her way a month early, I was scared. Big time. 

''Joe, please try and calm down. You're scaring me.'' She cries.

Hearing the fear in her voice, I compose myself. ''I'm sorry, sweetheart,'' I wipe a tear from her eye. ''Do you think you can walk? We need to get you to hospital.'' 

Shaking her head, she speaks. ''No, Joe,'' She pauses. ''Because of the fall, I need checking over. Both Desi and I. You need to phone an ambulance.'' 

Hesitant to leave her, I run to grab my phone. I phone the ambulance letting them know what happened. They told me they're sending someone straight away. And I'd need to try and keep her as calm as possible.''J-Joe?'' I turn my head to a weak looking Dianne.

''DOTTY,'' I run over. ''No, stay with me, please.'' I break down. 

''J-Joe, I d-don't f-feel g-good.'' She whispers.

''I know, baby. Just stay with me. Keep talking to me, sweetheart.'' I try to stay calm on the outside, inside I'm terrified.

''I-if I-I,'' She takes a deep breath. ''If I don't make it, I want you to know that I love you, so, so much. And I know Desi will too. She'll be lucky t-to h-have y-you.'' She stutters towards the end.

''No, Dianne,'' I shake my head. ''Do not talk like that. You're going to pull through. You're stronger than this, Di,'' I tell her. ''Keep talking to me, tell me a story. Anything.'' 

''D-did I ever tell you the time I?...''

_ _ _ _

Here I was, pacing the hospital corridor. I've never, ever been this nervous in all  my life. Running a hand through my hair, I cry in frustration.

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