Chapter 3- I Think You Should Go For It

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Year Eight.

Joe's POV

It was the start of Year 8. I couldn't believe I'd known Dianne for a whole year.

She was honestly my best friend. We're like two peas in a pod.

We still hadn't made any new friends, but we didn't care. We were happy and content just us two.

The bullying for both of us was still on-going. But we were getting through it. Just.

''Hey, there you are.'' I say as Dotty runs across the corridor to me.

''Morning.'' She grins.

''What is up with you?'' I ask, cocking a brow.

''I've got a secretttt.'' She sings.

''A secret?'' I cock my head.

''Mmmhm.'' She grins.

''Dotty, will you just tell me.'' I sigh, running a finger through my locks.

 ''Fine,'' She pauses. ''there's two new starters. Twins, Dawn and Jason. The Deans. And I've heard from a little birdie that two certain someone's have a crush on us.''

I look at her in shock. ''What?'' 

''Yep, and they're gorgeous,'' Dianne giggles.  ''Jason especially,'' I roll my eyes at her. ''What do I do?''

''I think you should go for it.'' I smile.

''And I think you,'' She pauses. ''should go for it, too.''

''I dunno, Buzzy.'' I sigh. Just then a gorgeous brunette walks our way.

Dotty nudges me, whispering, 'that's Dawn.'  I think I'm having heart palpitations. Jesus, she is beautiful.

 Jesus, she is beautiful

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''Hnihnhnh.'' Was a noise that left my lips. The hell was that, Sugg?

''Sorry, did you say something?'' She speaks. She sounds like an angel. She is an angel.

Dianne nudges me, but I can't speak. ''Hi, Dawn is it?'' She nods. ''Joe would like to know if you'd like to go on a date with him?'' Dianne. I  grit my teeth, feeling embarrassed.

''Really?'' She asks, sounding surprised. I nod, feeling shy. ''I'd love to.''

'Say something.' Dianne whispers. ''Erm,'' I scratch my neck nervously. ''how about I text you?'' 

''Sure, here is my number.'' She smiles, giggling. 

''Thanks, I'll text you, beautiful.'' I wink. Jesus, when did you get so confident, Sugg?

Blushing, she nods and walks the other way. ''She is way out of my league.'' 

''Hey, don't put yourself down like that.'' Di shakes her head. ''You're a catch, Sugg. You just don't know it.'' She giggles.

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