Chapter 4- A Spanner In The Works

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*rubs hands together and sips tea*

Year Nine.

Dianne's POV

Drying my newly dyed red hair. I'd decided on a change of hair colour, getting bored of my natural blonde hair, I look at myself in the mirror.

I looked so different, but I love it.

Today was Suggy's birthday. His 14th. We started year nine a few days before his birthday.

And before you ask, yes we're still with Jason and Dawn.

Joe and Dawn were the sweetest couple. She is just the most adorable person you'd ever meet, she really is. And she's Joe's type. 100% and he's smitten. No doubt about that.

As for me and Jason, I'm 100% smitten with him. He's just perfect for me.

We're both really happy. 

Today was a Saturday which was also Joe's birthday day.

What Joe didn't know, was that we'd all planned a surprise party. 

Cycling across to Joe's, I lay my bike on his porch, and knock on his door.

Hearing a giggle, and a click of the lock, the door opens. For some reason the sight in front of me caused a stabbing feeling in my chest. Joe's arms were wrapped around Dawn's waist, as her head was rested on his chest. Why did this bother me so much?  Why did I feel envious towards them both? ''Oh, hi Dotty.'' Joe smiles, letting me in. 

''No hug?'' I ask. And he's not even noticed my new hair.

''Oh, sorry, I'm kind of stuck,'' He laughs. ''baby, can you let go for a sec?'' She pouts a little, nodding. ''hey.'' He smiles, hugging me. Before going back to Dawn and wrapping his arms back around her, kissing her nose, causing her to giggle. I roll my eyes. What has gotten into you, Buswell? I reprimand myself. 

''Oh, I like your hair,'' He smiles. ''It suits you.''

''Thank you,'' I smile. ''Happy birthday, Suggy.'' I ruffle his hair.

''Thank you, Buzzy.'' He grins.

_ _ _ _

''So, plan?'' I whisper to Dawn, once she'd actually detached herself from Joe.

''I was thinking,'' She starts. ''I'll say to Joe we're going for a meal at this restaurant, when in actual fact I'll take him to the venue. Say around 7PM?'' 

''That's a great plan.'' I smile.

''Great, so? I'll see you around 6:30?''

''Yep, I'll see you then. Hey, Suggy?'' I shout.

''Yo, Buzzy?'' He comes through.

'''Ere,'' I chuck him an envelope. '''Appy birthday.'' I imitate his accent.

''Awh shucks, for me?'' He says in a funny, American accent, which caused Dawn to snort. Joe smiles at her, placing a kiss on her lips, as I ignore the stabbing pain in my chest.

''Oh my God, Dotty,'' Joe gasps. ''Two tickets to the Arctic Monkeys? How? It was all sold out.''

''I have my ways.'' I wink at him. 

''You're amazing!'' He stares into my eyes, before looking back at the tickets. ''You're coming with me, right?''

''Durrr.'' I giggle.

''Good.'' He smiles, giving me one of his award winning hugs, but this time it caused my insides to tingle.

I ignore the strange feeling. ''Right, I best be off. I'm meeting Jason then I'm going to get ready for your meal. I'll see you later, alright?'' They both stand up. Dawn hugging me first, followed by Joe.

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