Chapter 10- Bun In The Oven?

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A.N A few people requested a pregnancy chapter in the comments. Just to let everyone aware, I'd had this pregnancy chapter idea planned in for awhile. But thank you for the idea :)

Also, prepare for a soft and protective Joe.

Edited due to Chapter 11, I originally put July 8th but I've changed it to November 8th for the next chapter to make sense. Sorry for the confusion 😂

Dianne's POV

It was two months later since the amazing proposal. We'd started to plan the wedding recently.

We wanted the wedding in Sydney. It was sentimental to us, as its where we admitted our feelings, and where Joe asked me to be his girlfriend.

We decided on a Summer wedding, by Sydney harbour, or near the beach.

I was snuggled into Joe watching a film when the sudden urge to be sick made me sit up. Running to the bathroom, I make it just in time, as I throw up. ''Dianne?'' Joe calls running in after me. ''Are you alright, darling?'' His voice is laced with worry.

''I'm fine, think I've caught a bug. My stomach hurts.'' I sigh.

''Here, go and lay in bed. Have a nap, I'll bring you a hot water bottle, some paracetamol and a glass of water. Oh hang on, no, go have a bath.'' Joe rambles. I love this side to him. 

I giggle at his cuteness. ''Joe, I'm fine. I just want to sleep. I've been so tired lately, that all I want to do, is just sleep. Like all day.'' 

''Go have a lie down, beautiful. I'll bring you those things up in a bit, OK?'' Nodding he kisses my forehead, as I go to lie down.

Joe's POV

I was really worried about Dianne. She wasn't herself at all today. Well actually, she hadn't been herself for at least a month or two. I just didn't realise it.

She was constantly tired, hormonal and emotional. She was off coffee, the smell of it made her feel sick. She was complaining she was putting on weight, calling herself fat. Which she is not. Far from it. Her figure is to die for. It's amazing.

Something isn't right with her.

I need some advice. I take the hot water bottle, pain killers and water up to Dot. Seeing she is fast asleep, her legs curled up to her chest, snuggling her sloth, Americano

I pout a little. Placing a kiss on her forehead, I leave the door ajar, I grab my phone as I phone Zoe.

Joe, are you sure she's not pregnant?

What? I was taken aback to be honest, I didn't expect those words to come out of my sisters mouth.
She could be, Joe. I don't want to scare you. But what you're telling me, it sounds like she could be...

It all made sense. I think, just maybe, Zoe is right?!

I think you may be right, Zo. It does make sense. I don't want to freak Di out, but I think just maybe that Dianne may have a bun in the oven.

I run a finger through my hair, as I pace the room a little. A soft smile playing on my lips. Could there be the possibility of me becoming a Dad?

Oh my God. There actually is a chance. A big chance.

Joe?  I'm snapped out of my daydream by Zoe calling my name.

Oh sorry, Zo, I zoned out there. What did you say? I chuckle.

I said that you need to stay calm for Dianne's sake, but also talk to her about it. And buy a test, Joe.

I'm fine, Zo, just in shock. Di is currently asleep, but I'll talk to her when she wakes up. I'll nip out now and buy some tests. I tell Zoe.

Let me know how it goes.

I will. And Zoe? 


Thank you. I smile.

My pleasure, Joe. You know I'm always here. And good luck.

I thank her once more, before hanging up the phone.

_ _ _ _

Leaving Dianne a note, I walk to the nearest pharmacy. Which is half an hour walk away. Now, I could drive, but I wanted to clear my mind. Think about the possible baby in Dot's belly.

We had discussed children in our future and plans. But we never really spoke about when we wanted kids. I guess we were just waiting until after the wedding to talk about it properly. But if there's even a small chance she is carrying my child, then I'd be over the moon.

And lets be honest, it's not like we need to get to know each other, or wait a few more years. Because we've been together ten years, so really, do we need to wait!? I don't think so. For me, I think the timing is perfect.

Walking inside, I try to figure out which aisle I need to go down. 

After getting lost and six wrong aisles later, I find what I'm looking for. Now, which one do I get? Do I get one or two?

After settling on two, I walk to the checkouts and pay.

Once back home, I see Dianne laid on the sofa with the hot water bottle on her stomach and the blanket wrapped around her, watching Netflix.

I pout and walk over to her. ''Hey, how are you feeling?''

''I feel a bit better, but I'm still tired.'' She sighs.

Sitting down next to her, I wrap my arms around her. I turn to face her. ''Dot,'' I start, her face now full of confusion. ''Don't freak out, but,'' I pause. ''Do you erm, think you could be, erm, pregnant?'' I finish.

Sitting up, she gasps. ''Joe, what's the date?'' 

''November 8th, why?''

Now standing up, she goes to check her calendar. ''Shit. Shit. Shit.'' She mutters, and runs a finger through her red locks.

''Dotty, sit down.'' I try to grab her shoulders, to sit her back down.

''No, Joe,'' She shrugs me off. ''I'm late. Like, very late.''

''How late?'' 

''At least two months...'' I could see the cogs working in that brain of hers. ''Oh my God. I think you're right, Joe. It all adds up. I must be. The last time I ovulated was...'' She pauses.

''The night we got engaged.'' We say together.

She starts to pace the room. ''Shit. Oh my God. A baby? A baby? Shit, Joe, a baby.'' Yep. She is freaking out.

Walking closer to her, I wrap my arms around her. She jumps at my touch, but immediately  calms in my arms. ''Dotty, you're fine. Calm. I'm here, I've got you.'' I rub her back, soothing her.

''C-can w-we? B-baby.'' She stutters.

''Hey, hey, look at me.'' She lifts her head up slowly. ''Beautiful,''  I pout as I wipe a tear away. ''Please don't cry. Look, I know this a shock. But think about it,'' I pause. ''This couldn't have come at a better time. I mean, we're engaged, we're living in an amazing family home. We've been together ten years. We have stable jobs, and good wages. Dotty, I don't know about you, but this,'' I put my hand on her stomach, ''is a blessing. I'm so excited.'' I grin.

''No I am, it's just a shock I guess.. As we never really talked about when we wanted kids. I'm just scared. I'm scared that I won't be a good Mum.''

''Don't you ever say that,'' I shake my head. ''You will be the most amazing Mum in the world... You're so selfless and caring. You're amazing with kids, Dotty. I'll be the luckiest guy in the world to have kids with you.

I'd be so proud and blessed, Dianne. You're going to be amazing. Kiss. The best. Kiss. And so, so fit as a Mum.'' Kiss. I wink at the last part.

''You think so?''

''I know so.'' I smile.

''Thank you. Just so you know, you'd be an incredible Dad. A fit one at that.'' She giggles.

I just kiss her nose. ''Come on, lets go find out..''

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