Chapter 11- A Blessing

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Edited Chapter 10 (for this one to make sense with the dates), I originally put July 8th but I've changed it to November 8th for this chapter to make sense. Sorry for the confusion 😂

Dianne's POV

I'm so nervous and scared. I can't even look. If this says I'm not pregnant then I've definitely got something wrong with me. I was actually really excited so I hoped this would be positive. After Joe had reassured me, I was excited. I was excited to be pregnant.

"I can't look, I'm so nervous." I admit to Joe once I'd peed on both sticks, now waiting for the timer on Joe's phone to go off.
"I'm right here, beautiful, whatever the outcome, OK?" He reassures me, kissing my shoulder.
I nod just as the timer goes off. "Ready to look?" Joe asks, I nod, as he takes my hand and we look at the result together.

Oh. My. God.

"Dianne!" Joe breathes, a tear rolling down his cheek

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"Dianne!" Joe breathes, a tear rolling down his cheek. "We." He kisses my shoulder . "Are." Then my head . "Having." Then my nose. "A baby." Then my lips.
"I know. I can't believe it. I'm so happy." Joe wipes a stray tear that had fallen.
"This is such a beautiful blessing, Dot." He smiles, kissing my stomach causing me to smile. He's going to be an incredible Dad.

Three weeks later

Today was my first scan. And I'm so excited.

I think I'm roughly 12 weeks pregnant, meaning if I am, we'd have conceived on our engagement night.

"Joe are you ready?" I call, sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

He comes down the stairs with his denim jacket on. He nods, picking up the car keys and his phone, we head out.

_ _ _ _

"Miss Dianne Buswell." My name being called knocks me out of my daydream.

We follow the lady into a dark, secluded room.

She talks to us about what I can and can't eat and drink. How to avoid miscarriages, and what to do to keep not only me, but also our baby safe and healthy.

"OK, so now, I'd like you to get up on this bed here and I'll check you over. Check on baby, make sure you're definitely pregnant and tell you roughly how far you are," We nod as I lay down on the bed, Joe takes my hand as I lift my top up. "This gel will be a little bit cold, so just bear that in mind," She laughs. We laugh before she does checks. "So I can confirm, you're definitely pregnant. And I'd say from this, you're roughly 12 weeks, meaning you'll be having a June baby." Yep I was right. We conceived in September, on our ten year anniversary.

"Yes my calculations were correct." I grin. Proud of myself for working it out right.
We all laugh. "Anyway, I'm pleased to tell you that there is only one baby. But they're very healthy." She turns the screen around to show us our beautiful tiny baby, there, in black and white, on the screen.

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