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While I was distracting Erin, I had mentally told BTS to get up on my command. On my word, they got up quickly and ran at her.

Shadows and light were thrown in her direction, as were fire, water, air and earth. J-hope called lots of animals to try and restrain or distract her. I jumped up too and ran over to fight, I even managed to avoid all the lightning which she was still using as a defence mechanism.

"There's a better way to do this" she shouted, pushing us all away again.
"Just me and you, no Powers" she said, smirking at me. I looked at Suga, checking he was okay with this and he nodded.

She gestured for the rest of them to back away, as I approached.
"Ready?" She asked, clenching her fists.
"Ready" I confirmed. She smiled evilly and I ran at her, knocking her to the ground. I punched at her face, before being shoved off.

I jumped straight back up, watching her scramble to her feet. She grabbed my arm and spun me around, before wrapping her arm around my neck and tightening the grip. I could hardly breathe but refused to give up.

I kicked backwards and hit her knee before elbowing her in the chest, making her double over. Unfortunately, she wasn't down for long. She grabbed my foot and pulled it out from under me as she stood up, I fell over and tried to wriggle out of her grip.

I spun and snatched my foot from her, kicking her in the face as I did so. She faced the opposite way, holding her nose which I had made bleed. I leapt onto her back and wrestled her to the ground, holding her down.

Her head flew back and hit me in the jaw, I could taste the blood in my mouth already. I stumbled back from a blow to the stomach but regained my balance quickly. I grabbed her hand and twisted her arm around her back, almost to the breaking point.

"Say it's over, say I've won" I said, holding her there even though she struggled.
"I'm never going to stop" she hissed. I wrapped my arm around her neck and held her until she fell limp in my arms. I placed her on the floor, and ran over to BTS, knowing it wouldn't last long.

"You really can't tell when people are acting, can you?" She teased, getting to her feet behind me.

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