The break-in

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We got to my house and the lights were on inside, meaning I would have to climb in through the window.
"You can all wait here if you want" I told them, placing my crutches down. Then I limped around the house, to the tree, climbed it and went in through my still-open window.

I tried to be silent as I grabbed some things to help us break into school. Unfortunately the main thing I wanted; a hammer or wrench or screwdriver, was downstairs.

At first I thought I could use my powers to help stay unnoticed, but I didn't want to know what was going on inside their heads. I tiptoed down the stairs, ignoring the pain shooting up my leg and went into the kitchen, where I found all the tools I had wanted.

Then, as I was going back up the stairs, I accidentally stepped on a creaky one. I hoped they wouldn't hear it but I heard movements coming my way. I dashed up the rest of the stairs, slamming the door to my room shut behind me.

Although they tried to be silent outside the door, I could hear their thoughts screaming about how they were going to get me this time. I couldn't help covering my ears, which meant they could get in my room because I was no longer holding the door closed.

I ran for the window but tripped on a piece of smashed bottle, it went right into my ankle as I fell. I screamed, trying to alert the guys that I needed help. The door to my room flung open and my parents smiled down at me.

Just when they reached me, shadows filled the room, making me unable to see where I was and where they were. Luckily I felt myself being picked up and then we went out the window, the shadows being brought back to help cushion our landing.

"Thank you Suga" I said, stumbling out of his arms. My leg was now more injured than before, but luckily I didn't bring my crutches in the house with me so I had them to help me.

"Let me help" Jungkook said, holding a first aid kit.
"I grabbed this from inside when I heard you scream" he explained. I sat on the ground while he took out the glass and cleaned the wound.
"Thank you" I said. Then we were ready to go.

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