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"Are you ok? It looks bad, did I do that?" He asked, clearly flustered and apologetic.
"It's ok" I responded, trying to make him feel better.
"I'll make up for it I promise" he said, before Miss Bale told him to go back to his side.

I got up and, not too obviously, leaned on my other leg. I stayed away from Suga for the rest of the lesson and stopped reading his thoughts, he would just interrogate me about my leg and ask questions I didn't want to answer.

After PE the boy was waiting by my bag as I walked over.
"Here" he said, picking up my crutches for me.
"Thanks" I replied, smiling shyly at the ground.

"My name's Jungkook" he told me.
"I'm y/n" I said. He took something out of his pocket and put it in my hand.
"Meet me outside school later, I'm gonna make it up to you" he said. 'I hope she likes pizza' he thought.
"You don't have to" I said, but he just shook his head and left.

The paper had his number written down, which I quickly put in my phone. It was on low battery, but enough for me later if stopped using it now.

The rest of the school day flew by, mostly because I was excited for pizza afterwards. I was hungry because my parents had stopped paying for my school lunches, the only other option was to steal some food from home. I was in such a rush this morning that I forgot to grab anything.

Jungkook was right outside the doors to school when I saw him and he smiled as he watched me approach.
"Your parents won't mind if you miss dinner will they?" He asked, beginning to lead me towards town.
"No, they'll be fine" I said.

"I really am sorry that I hit you" he said, for the fourth time so far.
"I told you, it's really ok" I replied. He nodded, but I knew he was still thinking about it, so I tried to change the topic.

"What are you going to get on your pizza?" I asked him.
"How did you know we were getting pizza?" He questioned, which is when I remembered that he never actually said that, he thought it.
"I guessed" I said, apparently that excuse can be used for a lot of things.

"That's a good guess" he replied, watching me out of the corner of his eye.
"I'm a good guesser" I lied, smiling innocently. He stopped outside the restaurant and waited for me to catch up since I was lagging behind slightly. It was then that I first noticed something strange about him, it almost looked as though he was hovering above the ground.

He must've seen me questioning it because he moved to open the door for me, now with his feet firmly on the ground.

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