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"Why can't you fix my headache now?" Jimin whined at 11:30am.
"I told you 12, give the medicine more time to work" I replied.
"Don't make her waste her powers, she needs them for the fight" Suga said.

"What do we do now, wait?" Jin asked.
"I mean, we don't even know where the fight is happening" I said.
"Won't the villain come to us?" Tae asked
"All we can do is wait" J-hope said.

Marigold chose that moment to make herself known by running from J-hopes room, down the stairs, along the corridor and into the room.
"Woah, you brought a deer?" RM asked.
"She's harmless, and I love her, so yes I brought a deer" J-hope replied.
"She couldn't wait to meet you all" he added.

"Her name's Marigold" he told us, petting her.
"I think she's adorable" I told him, getting up and crouching down beside her, stroking her gently.
"She says thank you" J-hope told me with a smile.

I sat back down next to Suga, who put his arm around my shoulders to stop me from getting up again. I sunk further into him and rested my head on his shoulder.

We had talked for only ten normal minutes before a brick came flying through the window. Suga pulled me closer to him instinctively and J-hope shielded Marigold from any glass. Jungkook stopped the brick from crashing onto the floor using his powers, then he floated it over to himself.

Tae grabbed it before Jungkook could and laughed victoriously before inspecting the brick.
"It says: go to the park" Tae read aloud. RM stood and looked out the broken window to see if the person that threw the brick was still there.

"What park?" Jin asked.
"The park where we met probably" I said, looking up at Suga.
"Does it say anything else?" Jimin asked.
"No, that's it. It doesn't even tell us a time" Tae replied, passing the brick to Jungkook to check.

"We should go now" Jin said.
"I don't even know where we are going" RM added.
"Are we even ready for this?" J-hope asked nervously.
"I still have a headache" Jimin complained. To stop him from moaning anymore, I suppressed his headache, he was immediately more cheery.

"Come on, its better to be early than late" I said, pulling Suga up off the chair. Everyone followed us out the door and we walked to the park together, getting a few funny looks because of their hair and eye colours.

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