Fighting part 2

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Jungkook sprang up when it was his turn, he was clearly excited. Jimin looked more cautious, he was clearly going to pay more attention to the way Jungkook fought, and would try to counter his attacks that way. I had no idea if Jungkook even had a plan, but I was going to find out soon enough.

Suddenly Jimin flew into the air, almost hitting the ceiling, before landing with a thud and getting back onto his feet. Then the ground beneath Jungkook started shuddering so he ran towards Jimin, narrowly avoiding falling into the floor. Jimin moved to the side and stuck out his foot to trip him up.

Jungkook tripped over his foot, but used his powers to turn it into a flip instead, landing on his feet. Then he used his powers to hold Jimin onto the wall, but he forgot to block his powers from being used.

Jimin pulled in rocks and earth from outside, bringing it in through the open window, and he used it to trap Jungkook. They were both stuck like that for a while, neither choosing to give up or try to change how they fought.

"Alright I give up" Jimin said, we all knew it was only because the fight had lasted so long now and we needed to keep training. We gave them a round of applause and then J-hope and I stood up.

We nodded at each other to show we were ready, and I glanced at Suga quickly, smirking because I had an idea. My plan was to trick J-hope into seeing Suga as me, then he would have to fight him instead of me. However, for that to work I had to get near Suga first.

At the start I did hand to hand combat with J-hope, slowly spinning in a circle until I was closer to Suga. Now I needed to figure out a way to slowly switch who J-hope saw us as.

When he punched, I dodged. When I punched, he dodged. Only a few times did we actually hit each other, making it hard for me to go through with my plan. Fortunately for me, I saw an opening.

As J-hope went to punch me, I let him and fell back. Then I rolled up and moved behind Suga before spinning around and taking control or J-hope's mind. Suga looked confused, but I just smiled and moved back, letting the fight continue.

J-hope went to elbow him but Suga dodged, barely, before realising what was happening. He smiled, clearly impressed with my plan. In a matter of seconds he had J-hope on the ground, holding him down.

When birds tried to fly in the open window, Suga created a barrier of shadows to stop them. Luckily J-hope didn't see it, otherwise he would've been confused.
"I give up, you win" J-hope said, and at that exact time, I stopped the illusion.

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