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"Why can't my friends see you?" I asked her. She kept taking steps forward and I took them back, matching her pace.
"You aren't the only one with powers" she said, smiling evilly.

Immediately she raised her hands and lightning bolted down right in front of me. At that second everyone looked over and came running,
"What is going on?" RM shouted over the growing wind.
"I think we found the villain" J-hope replied.

"She's my sister apparently" I yelled as we retreated to the playhouse. The wind was picking up the leaves and twigs from the forest, making it dangerous to be outside. I was the last one in, shutting the doors behind me.

The playhouse wasn't a very good place to be, there were gaps for windows and the door didn't shut properly, but it was our best option.
"We know she has weather powers, but how did she stop us from moving?" Suga asked.
"Maybe because we are sisters, we have each other's powers or something" I guessed.

"We need to get to her, past the storm" RM said.
"Jungkook, can you try and calm down the wind a bit?" I asked. He nodded and stepped out of the playhouse before being blown right back in.
"This is going to be harder than I thought" he muttered.

After a lot of tries, he finally made it fully out of the door. We watched as he ran into the middle of the storm before pulling it into himself, making it smaller so we could come out.

We climbed out of the playhouse, some of us going through window gaps and others using the door. Erin was standing on the slide, striking lightning at whoever tried to get near.
"Y/n, try to use your powers" Suga whispered from next to me.

I reached out mentally and connected with Erin's mind. Something inside me was screaming that this wasn't a good idea, but I had to try. I mind-bended her so that she couldn't see any of us, it gave me a small pain in my head but I ignored it.

'She can't see us' I told the others. Erin was looking around herself in confusion, before her eyes landed on where I was standing. RM took that moment to start throwing fireballs at her, not big enough to badly injure her, but enough for her to be knocked down.

Suga also sent shadows at her, but he kept moving so she wouldn't know where he was coming from. Jimin moved the earth beneath the slide so she was unbalanced.

Even with everyone using her powers against her she stayed where she was, her eyes piercing mine. When Jin shot light right in her face it was clear she had had enough.
"This isn't fair, let's switch it up a bit" she said eerily. I looked over at Suga before my whole world was taken by fog.

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