The kiss

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"You mean I was fighting Suga all along?" J-hope asked, brushing himself off.
"Well, at first it was me, but then I decided I'd rather Suga fight you than me" I said, laughing.
"Next time, warn me that I'll be fighting instead of you" Suga joked.

"Anyone want food before you have to go?" Jin asked, holding some snacks. It was getting pretty late, so we shouldn't stay much longer.
"Yes please" we all replied, taking the sweets that we liked. After we finished eating, I felt like it was time to leave so I made sure I had everything before heading out the door.

"I'll see you all tomorrow" I called, waving goodbye to them all. Suga, J-hope, Jungkook and Tae all left after me, we had plans to skip school tomorrow to train together. I walked to the park, my leg felt better so I stopped using my crutches, I even jogged there so I could make it before the sun went down.

When I sat down on the bench I could hear thoughts nearby, but I didn't know who's they were. I ignored them and threw some rocks at the slide, I do that when I'm bored here sometimes.
"What are you doing back here?" Suga asked, coming up behind me.

"I could ask you the same question, but I already know the answer" I said. 'So you know I followed you here, but why did you come here' he thought. I sighed, knowing it was time for the truth.
"I can't go home, so I stay here" I told him. He nodded in understanding, having seen what my parents are like.

"Do you want to stay at mine?" He asked.
"I don't want to be a burden" I replied. I could hear him thinking about it, but I didn't listen in this time.
"It'll be fine, J-hope stays there too" he said.
"Why does he stay there?" I asked.
"He likes that it's close to nature so he can hear all the animals" Suga explained. I nodded and then we sat silently for a bit.

"Have your parents always been like that?" He suddenly asked.
"It started when I was 8, but it wasn't that bad at first" I said.
"Do you know why they do it?" He questioned.
"No, I don't want to read their minds incase I find things I don't like" I explained.

"I'll always be here for you, you know that" he said, standing and reaching out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me up.
"I know" I replied smiling. Without warning he kissed me, I was surprised at first but then I kissed back. When he stopped, he smiled at me, blushing a little.
"Let's go" he said, dragging me into the woods.

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