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"Do you think they'll be here soon?" Tae asked for the tenth time.
"It's almost 1, so probably" I replied. We had made it to the park at almost 12, meaning we had to wait for over an hour, and most of them are impatient.

"y/n could just use her powers to make them see illusions and then the fight is over" Jungkook joked.
"Yeah, make them fight the swings!" Tae teased.
"Can you two concentrate on the fact that we may be fighting for our lives soon?" Jin reminded them.

Their focus didn't last long because soon Jungkook started chasing Tae around the park, they ran through the swings and down the slide. I think they were playing tag, but it was hard to tell because they clearly didn't have any rules.

It was all fun and games until I realised they were headed into the path of a little girl. I instinctively dived into them, knocking them onto the floor.
"What was that for?" Jimin asked, getting to his feet.
"You were going to trample that little girl" I told them, looking at where the girl had been. She was gone now, vanished into thin air.

"Did you see her?" I asked Suga.
"No, but I believe you" he replied. I saw her again by the swings, I walked over and sat beside her. I was going to say something, but another girl came over. This one was younger and had long brown hair, compared to the blonde hair of the other girl.

"Come back home Erin" The brown haired girl said, holding out her hand for 'Erin' to take. I watched as Erin stood up and pushed the younger girl's hand away,
"You know I can't go back, leave me alone" she scolded her.
"But I miss you" the girl responded, tearing up.

A man approached them both,
"Y/n, go home" he commanded the brown haired girl. It's funny, she had the same name as me, I rarely find anyone with my name. She nodded quickly and rushed away into the forest, leaving Erin here with the man.
"I told you to stay away from her" he spat, pointing his finger in the girls face.

"She came to me" Erin replied defiantly. He picked her up by the collar,
"Don't lie to me" he whispered.
"Leave, go and never come back!" he shouted, before dropping her and walking away, following 'y/n' into the forest.

"See how bad of a sister you were" Erin said as she rose up from the ground.
"Are you talking to me?" I asked, looking around for anyone else. Suddenly she started growing up, getting taller and angrier with every second. Her body grew and her face matured, soon she looked around the same age as me.
"This is what you did to me" she growled.

I looked over at BTS, they didn't seem to be seeing her.
"Suga" I called, but he didn't even look over.
"I will take your friends like you took my life" Erin yelled, clenching her fists.

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