Time bomb

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Jungkook and Tae arrived way before us, even though we ran most of the way. We immediately sat everyone down to tell them what happened.
"We were buying clothes-" I started.
"Wait, are you wearing Suga's jumper?" Jungkook asked.
"How do you know it's my jumper?" Suga questioned.
"I've seen you wear it around school" Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Can you please let y/n explain?" J-hope asked. I looked at him gratefully and then continued "We finished paying and then Suga-"
"What did you buy?" Tae interrupted.
"We'll show you later" I told him.

"I need to show you all what Suga saw in the window" I said, followed by nods and mumbles of approval. I thought about Suga's memory and sent it out to all of them, even to J-hope and Suga to see again.

"Who was that?"
"They were creepy"
"Were they watching you?" Everyone started talking at once, asking questions no one knew the answers to.
"We need to train now more than ever, since they know who we are" Suga said.
"I'll go get changed and meet you guys in the training room" I told them.

I hurried off quickly and then joined them, ready to train.
"Jungkook wants to go first" Tae told me.
"Alright, are we doing powers today?" I asked.
"Everyone but you, yes" Suga said, smirking slightly.
"Why not me?" I asked.
"You will cheat again" J-hope said, pouting.

"That's how my powers work!" I defended.
"You can use them if you don't make others fight for you" RM said.
"Fine, I won't" I replied.

Just when Jungkook was about to fight Jimin, whispers filled the room. I thought it was just me at first, reading someone's thoughts, but the others looked just as confused as me.
"Can you all hear that?" I asked.
"Aren't you doing that?" RM questioned.
"No" I replied.

"I've been watching you all, you know more than I thought" a voice said. I didn't know where it came from, and clearly everyone else could hear it too.
"I'm slightly impressed, but you still can't stop my plan" The voice laughed, it was evil and ominous, exactly how you'd expect.

"You don't need all 5 days, I will give you until tomorrow instead" The voice came again.
"My plan is ready, so I'll see you at 1pm sharp" They said, before the whispers and echos ceased and we were left, standing in silence.

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