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Groaning, I sat up on the bench. The sun was just coming up so I guessed it was time for me to get ready for school. I know what you're thinking, it's Saturday and she's got school? Well this is MY fanfic so I can do what I like, this is not Saturday anymore, this is a weekday.

I walked all the way back home and listened for any voices inside. When I was happy that my parents had left, I climbed a tree to get to my bedroom window and then clambered in.

I landed on my leg and bit down on my fist to stop myself from crying out. Slowly, I forced myself to get up and got changed for school, cleaning some of my cuts at the same time.

My clock said 8:45, meaning I was going to be late to school. I took some crutches out of the cupboard, I got them a couple of years ago but figured they would be useful now. I used them to make my way to school.

This school isn't like any other, normally seeing someone with crutches would make people ask questions, but not here. Being invisible worked in my favour.

I must have some terrible luck or something because my first lesson is PE. I went to the teacher before the lesson, asking if I could skip this one out because of my leg. She asked me if I had a doctors note and, since I didn't, she made me do PE anyway.

I went into the gym, putting my crutches down with my bag, and already dreading this. Miss Bale did the register, and I heard the name 'Suga'. He is in my class! I turned around and smiled at him, but faced back to the front before he could react.

"Today we will be playing dodgeball" Miss Bale announced, followed by some cheers. She divided us into teams, luckily I was on Suga's team, maybe we would get a chance to talk. I picked up a ball and pretended to play as I slowly moved towards Suga, he did the same.

'What are the crutches for?' He thought, knowing I was listening. 'Hurt my leg' I sent to him, he seemed surprised when he received the message, but I recently learnt how to do that and was happy to show off.

'How?' He thought, and I was about to respond with another vague answer when a ball hit my leg, hard. I fell to the ground and looked towards who had hit me, clenching my fists through the pain.
"Sorry!" A boy shouted, rushing over to me.

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