Give it Your All!!/The Chunin Exams!

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A while had passed after your little harem had formed, you continued training with Naruto, Sasuke, Celestia, Luna, and Kakashi, and going on missions with your squad, as well as spending more time with Sakura, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. But now was time for the upcoming Chunin Exams, these trials would let Genin like you guys, move up to becoming Chunin, the next rank of the ninja. 

Sarutobi had summoned the Jonin Squad leaders to his office, Celestia, Luna, and Kakashi arrived first, (though the sisters had to drag Kakashi, so that he wouldn't be late again, as usual). 

Sarutobi: Well, Kakashi, you're a lot earlier than usual. 

Kakashi: Well Lord Third, it's because Celestia and Luna dragged me here the minute they found me reading. 

Celestia: Kakashi, I know there's a time and place for everything, but not for reading all day. 

Luna: My sister is right, after all Lord Third has an important message for all of us. 

Sarutobi: That's right Kurenai, my son Asuma, and Guy should be arriving anytime now. 


The door to the office was kicked down, and in came a young man around Kakashi's age. He had a bowl haircut, bushy eyebrows, a green jumpsuit, accompanied with the green jacket, his headband was being used as a belt, orange leggings, and blue sandals. This was Might Guy, Kakashi's rival. 

Guy: So Kakashi, you made it! I came on account of Lord Hokage's call, and I thought you would arrive. 

Kakashi: Oh uh, hi Guy. So what do you suppose is going on? 

???: Must be important for all of us to be involved. 

???2: Exactly, otherwise we all wouldn't have come in the first place. 

Two others appeared from the entrance. 

One was a woman around Celestia's age, she had long black hair, a red armor dress, covered by a white cloth with images of rose thorns. She wore red lipstick and purple eye shadow, she had bandages covering her arms and legs, as well as black sandals. This was Kurenai Yuhi, another Jonin rank ninja. 

Next to her was a man with spiky black hair, with a black beard. He had a cigarette in his mouth, the green jacket, the standard uniform for all Jonin rank squad leaders, kind of like Kakashi's. He also wore the standard black sandals. This was Sarutobi's grandson, Asuma Sarutobi. 

Luna: Ah, Kurenai and Asuma, good to see you too. 

Kurenai: As well as you old friend. 

Asuma: So Lord Hokage, what is that you have called us for? 

Sarutobi: Since the upcoming Chunin Exams will be taking place very soon, I have noticed that all of your pupils have gotten stronger as time as passed. So, I want all of them to participate in these exams. 

The Jonin ninja were all pretty shocked, they knew that their students were still young, but it seemed that Sarutobi, the Hokage, had noticed lots of potential growth in all of the young Genin. They soon decided to agree to it. 

Luna and Celestia: YES LORD HOKAGE! 

Kakashi: We understand sir. 

Guy: You can count on us to let our students know! 

Kurenai: If I must, I will let them know. 

Asuma: Of course, Lord Third. 

Sarutobi: Very well, that is all for now, take care all of you. 

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