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A/N –I would like to remind everyone that while I update weekly, I am currently alternately updates between 'Dragon Whisperer' and 'Heroes Assemble!'. I am also in the process of writing original stories. If you want to find out more about that or where I'm up to with my fanfiction writing, I update my Facebook page (which you can find through my profile here) very regularly.


The Benatar soared through the atmosphere of the planet and then down until it was just above the ocean causing twin waves to form directly behind her. Trusting her gut, Carol at the helm completely shut down the navigation panel.

"Um, you do know what you just turned off, right?" Rocket asked.

Carol spared him a side-along glance.

"Had to do it," she said. "Trust me."

"Right," Rocket nodded slowly. "Magic."

She knew where the island was, it was just a matter of getting there. Closing her eyes, she trusted her instincts. She felt the sticks under her hand and shifted one slightly. A little more. And flew on.

Suddenly, she felt the familiar tingle wash over her. She'd done it. They were in.

"I am Groot," the teenaged tree said.

"I don't know, Groot, but I'm not feeling so good either," Rocket replied.

"We shouldn't be here," Gamora stated, her voice rising. "You need to turn around."

A scuffle behind her did cause Carol to glance back to see Thor and Doctor Strange restraining the Guardians.

"You need to get us landed as quickly as possible," Thor stated. "The Seidhr's magic is strong."

"ETA three minutes," she replied, her eyes already focussed on the correct part of the island.

The Benatar may be large but she was still able to fit on the specially designed pad that had been built for S.H.I.E.L.D.'s largest aircraft, so that's where Carol aimed for. Swinging the nose of the craft around, she adjusted the flaps and reduced speed.

Out of the front window, she could see four people appear out of nowhere, quickly followed by a half-dozen extremely small beings with outrageously large ears.

And then they were down and she reached up above her to toggle the lowering of the rear ramp. Quickly, Doctor Strange raced through the ship leaving her to take his place in ensuring that the Guardians weren't a danger to themselves or to anyone else.

Thankfully, the sorcerer returned less than a minute later with Harry, Teddy, Daphne and Lavender in tow.

"They're allies, friends," Thor stated the instant that he saw them.

Harry took one look around the cockpit, one eyebrow rising at the different skin colours of Drax, Mantis and Gamora and a quite noticeable pause at seeing Rocket and Groot.

"You are currently on Paradis Noir, also known as Black Island, home to the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Black," he said quickly.

As though something had been switched in their heads, all of the Guardians' eyes cleared and they stopped struggling. In response, Thor and Carol released their hold on Drax and Gamora while Doctor Strange undid the magical bonds that he held them all in as well.

"Thank you, Seidhr," Thor said with a nod of his head.

"I trust your judgement, Thor, you know that," Harry replied.

"We saw the Code Red?" Carol asked.

"There'll be a proper briefing shortly," Harry replied. "For now, I'll just say that we had some visitors that wanted something and we politely refused to hand it over."

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