The Five Tribes of Earth

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Daisy flicked the buttons that would open communications to the Moon, specifically, to the hidden city of Attilan. Every indicator said that the secure channel that they'd been given was open but all that she could hear was ... nothing. Not even static.

"Um, hello? This is Daisy Johnson. I'm calling because I need to talk to Black Bolt. Or Medusa, really, considering, yeah, well, if you could let him know that it's urgent? Thanks."

She sat back and shook her head. May would be giving her a look if she'd heard her opening a communication that way. Not a skerrick of professionalism in it at all. In her defence, it was the first time that she'd ever attempted to contact someplace that wasn't on Earth.

A massive shape appeared in her peripheral vision and she turned, only to scamper backwards.

"Woah!" she all but screamed, seeing the giant dog standing there, looking at her, his long tongue lolling from his mouth. "Lockjaw, right? Please don't do that again, you nearly scared me to death. Mind you, I should be used to it, what with how often Magic Man just likes to pop in everywhere unannounced."

Lockjaw, of course, simply continued to stare at her.

Cautiously, Daisy reached out to pat him on the head.

"Good boy," she said, "you're not so tough are you, despite your size."

And then she felt herself being whisked away. When the disorientating transport finished, Daisy stumbled away from Lockjaw and took a good look around. This wasn't the Compound.

"Where've you brought me, huh?"

"That would be Attilan," a young, female voice replied. "Hi, I'm Crystal."

Daisy turned to find a teenaged girl with a yellow tunic, black pants and honey-blonde hair smiling at her.

"Daisy," she introduced herself.

"Sorry about simply sending Lockjaw to collect you but my sister and Black Bolt were a little busy with a Council meeting and didn't want you to think that they were ignoring you," Crystal explained.

"Sister?" Daisy asked.

"Medusa," Crystal replied.

Their conversation was cut short then by the arrival of the royal couple.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Medusa said. "Crystal, thank you for sending Lockjaw for Daisy. Your message said that it was urgent?"

"Yeah," Daisy replied, gathering her thoughts into order. "This morning, we – that is, the Avengers – were told about a new set of Laws that are likely to be ratified by the United Nations in three days. It's called the Sokovia Accords. In basic terms, it means that anyone who is not a normal human will be subject to extremely strict monitoring and laws about how they use their powers to help people. There's a whole brick-like book of the laws actually."

Here, she pulled out a tiny, matchbook sized copy of it and held it in the palm of her hand.

"Grow," she said and suddenly felt her hand get pushed down by the weight of the now full-sized volume.

"Is that your power, making things big and small?" an excited-sounding Crystal asked. "Medusa said that you were one of us."

"Nah, my fiancé, Harry, did this, he's magical. My powers are that I can make earthquakes," she replied.

"Cool. I can manipulate the elements," Crystal replied.

Black Bolt interrupted them by signing.

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