I'll Leave The Door Unlocked

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"I still don't get why you're doing this," Doreen stated after turning in a complete circle inside the bedroom that she'd just been told was hers for the foreseeable future.

Harry sighed from where he leant against the doorframe, his arms folded across his chest.

"No, I don't suppose you would," he said. "Really, only Hermione would." He waved off her question as to who this mysterious 'Hermione' was in favour of giving an answer. "Hermione calls it my 'saving people thing'. It's something I've always had. If I see someone or something in trouble and there's something that I can do to help, I do it, often without even considering the consequences."

"So, you're a good Samaritan," Doreen asked slowly.

"Huh," Harry grunted. "As good a description as any. And it's not like it's forever, only until you get on your feet."

"That's right," Doreen stated emphatically, thinking of the deal that they'd struck.

It'd taken the two of them, with some input from that waitress, Gwen, nearly an hour to hash out the details of their deal. Harry would provide room, meals and a job; and she would work for him as well as go to school. At least she'd have someone she'd know at her new school once she'd enrolled, even if Gwen was in the year level above her.

Gwen had even hinted that there was a possibility that her parents might take her in. Which would mean that she wouldn't have to live with Harry, no matter how nice he appeared to be. Taking an extra look around the room, she knew that as bizarre as this was, it was infinitely better than living in the park, especially with how cold it was becoming each night.

"There is ... one other thing," Doreen said.

She still hadn't put her backpack down, saving that for after this particular conversation. Harry's raised eyebrow was enough to keep her talking.

"I have a pet," she said in a rush.

"A pet?" Harry asked. "May I ask why you haven't mentioned this before?"

"He's not your usual type of pet," Doreen hedged.

"Well, I used to have an owl for a pet and I have a mate who had a toad when he was younger, so I can't imagine whatever pet you have as being too unusual," Harry assured her.

Doreen stared at him. A toad wasn't too unusual, she supposed. But an owl?

"Monkey Joe's a squirrel," she said.

It seemed that this time it was Harry's turn to stare.

"A squirrel?" he repeated. "Well, I suppose that's not so bad. Is he housebroken, at least?"

"Monkey Joe knows how to behave himself," Doreen stated indignantly.

"Well, fair enough, but if Monkey Joe makes any mess, it's your responsibility to clean up after him," Harry said.

"Agreed," Doreen said quickly.

"I'll leave you to get settled in," Harry said. "Dinner's at seven but the rest of the day is yours."

"Thanks, Harry," Doreen replied.

Harry merely nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

Finally alone, Doreen took off her pack before shucking out of her old bomber jacket and flopping onto the bed. She'd unpack later, for now she was enjoying the feeling of laying on a proper mattress for the first time in what felt like forever.


"What do we know about our potential client?" Matt Murdock asked.

From the chair immediately to his left, the sound of rustling papers could be heard where his best friend and partner, Foggy Nelson of Nelson and Murdock Law Firm, was shuffling through the file that they were given by Sergeant Mahoney as they entered the police interview room.

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