Promises For The Future

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"What mischief have you managed, Marauder?"

"Uncle Harry!" Teddy exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Harry stayed perfectly still, allowing his hood and spells to conceal his expression. He could feel his smirk grow the longer that he refrained from answering, particularly as he watched Teddy's hair drain of colour to become pure white.

"I thought that my godson was staying here," he eventually said.

"I am!" Teddy protested.

"And yet, at this time of night, I arrive and what do I find?" he allowed his voice to trail off, leaving the question hanging.

Moving unexpectedly, Harry straightened and snapped out a hand, channelling his magic to wrench the broom that Teddy was holding across to his own waiting hand.

"Nice broom. Although, I don't remember you owning it," Harry commented.

"It's mine. I bought it the other day," Teddy replied with what could only be a nervous or perhaps guilty look at Doreen.

"I'm guessing you bought it the same time as you got the new clothes?" Harry half-asked, half-stated. "Nice choice by the way, very Avenger-y."

"If Ted's going to be an Avenger, then he needed a suit," Doreen blurted.

"Ah, yes. Marauder," Harry replied. "You never did tell me, what mischief have you managed?"

"We, that is, Ted, Peter and me, we stopped some crooks breaking into an ATM and scared off a bunch that was going to rob a pharmacy," Doreen stated proudly.

Harry nodded slowly.

"So, that explains the mischief that you stopped," he said. "But what about the mischief that you managed to cause?"

"Cause?" Teddy gulped, once again sharing a look with Doreen.

"Yes. Caused," Harry repeated. "You're a wizard. You were out riding a magical broom in the middle of New York City in view of countless muggles. Muggles who are under the impression that there is only one magical person in existence. Me. Someone who you are clearly not given the differences in our suits. I will give you that they look similar at least."

"But I didn't use any magic at all!" Teddy protested. "I know the Statute. I didn't break it. I stuck to using prank products, mostly Weasley stuff."

"No magic?" Harry repeated. "Not even a spell to conceal your identity?"

"I don't need a spell to do that," Teddy replied.

Harry watched as Teddy's face changed before his eyes. It became slightly larger with a firmer, squarer jaw. His nose flattened out and his eyes changed shape and colour until they were a purply-blue. His hair, too, underwent a change, shrinking back into his head until it could be deemed to be a black buzz-cut.

"See?" Teddy said. "This is what I looked like. No one would know who I am or even how old I am just from seeing my face."

"At least you gave it some thought," Harry nodded. "But you still broke the Statute. The clothing, the broom, even the pranks that you used, they're all magical in origin and the Statute forbids them around muggles."

"If he broke the law so bad, then where's the magical police?" Doreen asked. "I'd think that they'd be knocking down the door or something."

"Perhaps they're still on their way," Harry replied, knowing perfectly well that they weren't and why. "I suggest the two of you get to bed. We'll deal with any fall-out from your little 'excursion', if there is any, in the morning."

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