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This wasn't what she'd had planned. Come to that, this wasn't when she'd had planned either. But needs must and if there was one thing that Lavender had learnt when it came to the Avengers, expecting the unexpected was a wise course of action.

By taking a peek out through what was left of the window of the department store, Lavender could see not just the expected crowd of reporters, but also a large, angry mob of people being barely held back by the police. Word had spread quickly about what had happened here. And, regardless of the outcome, the beginnings, middle and end of this fiasco was caused by people with abilities, people that that mob thought deserved to be locked up. It was only the law, after all.

At least, that's what they thought. The 'new' truth still had yet to reach their ears, something that Lavender was looking forward to providing.

"Miss Brown," one of the techs in her department said from behind her. "The microphone and speakers are all set up for you."

"Thank you, Michael," she replied. "What about the screens that I asked for?"

"They're good to go as well," he replied, handing out a pad to her. "You can control them from this."

A quick glance was enough to ensure her that the pad was set up as per usual.

"Good," Lavender said, casting her eyes over the group that she wanted to see. "Let's go."

"I'm not going out there," Jessica replied, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Oh, yes you are," Lavender retorted. "You five took down one of the main criminals that's been plaguing this city for months. You're going to go out there and let me do my job so that the world understands that you're heroes, not villains."

"I'm no hero," Luke stated.

Lavender snorted. "Says the 'Hero of Harlem'."

"But we're not heroes. Or Avengers for that matter," Danny said. "Yes, we've done some good, but that's it."

"You may not officially be Avengers," Matt stated, now in his Daredevil uniform courtesy of Foggy who was standing to the side ready to act as their lawyer if need be, "but you've proven yourselves that you have what it takes. Lavender, if you need to, call them Avengers."

"Now wait just one moment!" Jessica exclaimed. "I never agreed to that. Nor did I agree to going out there!"

"Auxiliary Avengers," She-Hulk suggested. "Available if needed but not usually active."

"That works," Matt nodded.

"Maybe," Jessica reluctantly agreed. "Still doesn't meant that I'm going out in front of that crowd."

"I'll make you if I have to," Lavender replied with a false-sweet smile on her face.

"As if you could," Jessica snorted.

"Actually, she could," Matt stated. "Now, let's get this circus over and done with."

With a nod to Matt, who she was sure would bring up the rear behind the five who defended the civilians in the department store while taking down the Scorpion and his gang, Lavender straightened her suit jacket, smoothed her skirt and opened the door ready to do what she did best.


The wind whipping past his face, even hooded as it was, felt amazing to Mage. These last months of inaction had grated on him like nothing had in years. He'd wanted to be out there ... here, helping people, doing what was right, protecting the innocent.

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