And You Are ...?

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The building, the tower may not be the tallest in the city, nor the oldest but it was fast becoming one of the most recognisable and well-known. But that wasn't why she'd come to New York; it was because of what it meant. Or, more accurately, who it represented.

It'd taken everything for her to come to New York. She'd left it all behind – her work, her house, her father and hadn't that been terrifying, defying her father like this, after so many years of conditioning to follow every order. Only once before had she defied him, weirdly enough, it was for much the same reason as now.

New York. The last time that she was here ... hadn't been good. Simply closing her eyes brought back flashes from that night: the wild flight; the crashing helicopter; the absolute terror of the monster in front of her; watching as he fell hundreds of metres to the city below and his undeniable bravery and sacrifice and willingness to put himself in harm's way for everyone.

Not for the first time, she wondered what in the world she was doing there.

But after seeing the latest events on the news, the latest in a long line of events that showed him being the hero that she always knew he was, she couldn't stay away any longer. Every day for months, she'd been beating herself up for the way that she'd treated him, the way that she'd simply dropped out of his life, not contacting him, not calling, not even attempting to see him.

And so, she'd come.

Now, now it was just a matter of summoning up the courage to cover that last couple of hundred metres, to walk into that Tower and to ask to see him.

Wildly, she looked around, her eyes searching for what, she knew not.

Coffee ... no definitely not coffee – that would do absolutely nothing to calm her nerves. Ideally, a stiff drink or three was what she really wanted, but doing so at the current time of the morning just felt wrong. A cup of tea, though? That might work, she finally decided, desperately shoving the thought that she was, once again, trying to put off what she'd come to do as far from her mind as she possibly could.


As expected, Harry found Wanda in Pietro's room in the hospital building. This time, she was seated on a chair pulled up close to his bed, his hand clasped between both of hers.

"Wanda," he said softly from the door, so as not to startle her.

Her head came up off of the bed where it'd been resting, turned in such a way so that she had a clear view of his face and looked towards Harry.

"Is something wrong?" she asked in her accented voice.

"No," Harry replied, stepping more into the room. "I just thought that you could use a break."

"A break? No, I'm good. And I want to be here when Pietro wakes up."

"You will be," Harry assured her. "The elves are monitoring him closely and they'll make sure that you and Healer Greengrass are here when he does. In the meantime, how about you come with me and get some fresh air and sunshine."

Wanda looked back at her brother, her eyes staying fixed on him for a time before she finally sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I guess that I could, but only a short time," she said.

Harry waited for her to place a kiss on Pietro's forehead and to walk across to him. Together, they walked down the stairs and out into the day. Silently, Harry led her along one of the paths that meandered through the garden before it turned away, passing between two of the buildings.

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