Case Closed?

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If there was one man in New York City who knew more about what was going on than even the police, the heroes or even the various criminal organisations that operated in the great city, it was Turk Barrett. Originally from Hell's Kitchen, he'd branched out over the years, gaining a reputation as a man who could provide what was wanted or needed by anyone. And, while he wasn't technically a snitch, he was known to provide information with the right kind of incentive.

Currently, Jessica Jones was providing such incentive.

With seemingly no effort at all, she was holding Turk's ankle while they stood talking atop one of the buildings not far from Turk's patch. The fact that Turk was more screaming and crying was inconsequential – he was providing the information that Jessica sought. Of course, that may have been because they were currently on the roof of said building and Jessica was holding an upside-down Turk off of the side so that he could stare at the hard, unforgiving ground six stories below.

"Alright, alright, I've seen 'em!" Turk cried.

"How many?" Jessica asked, seeking clear knowledge that Turk was talking about the kids that she was looking for and not just speaking out of his ass in an attempt to get her to put him back on the roof the right way up.

"Six of them!" Turk replied quickly.

"Describe them."

"I don't know! They were kids!" Turk replied but quickly changed his tune when Jess gave his leg a sharp shake. "Four girls and two guys, alright? One was a goth chick with some weird stick that she was always carrying around and another of the chicks had purple hair."

Jessica nodded. As always, Turk actually knew what he was talking about. It was such a shame that she had to threaten him every single time to get the information that she needed. A careless toss of her hand had Turk flying through the air to land in an awkward roll onto the roof.

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Jessica asked nicely. "Now, where were they?"

Turk looked up at her, patting himself down as if to check that he was all there even as he sat on the roof.

"China Town. An old, abandoned pub down on Grimlow Terrace," he said.

Jessica nodded absently. China Town wasn't an area that she frequented but she was sure that she could find the place.

"Thanks, Turk," Jess said as she turned towards the door leading to the stairwell.

"I wouldn't go there if I was you," Turk warned when she was more than halfway across the roof.

Jess stopped and looked back.

"Do I look like a girl who can't take care of herself?"

"Nah, nah, not you," Turk quickly back-peddled, his hands waving away the very thought. "But if I was you, I'd be careful."

"And why's that?" Jessica asked.

"They've got something with them, something even stranger than some of the usual crazy stuff you see in this city," Turk stated.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Dunno," Turk admitted. "But I'll tell you one thing, whatever it is gives a mean growl. Really makes you shudder, you know what I mean? Like some predator is just sizing you up as a meal."

Jessica looked carefully at the man. Whatever it was that had spooked him had really done a good job, she could see that. Still, she had a job to do. Not to mention a mystery to solve and she really hated not knowing the real story. No. Regardless of Turk's warning, she knew her next destination.

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