Visitors From Above

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A/N – We're now a week away from the 2 year anniversary of the posting of the very first chapter of Heroes Assemble! on fanfiction dot net. I have dedicated hundreds and hundreds of hours to this story and now have it up on 3 different platforms – fanfiction dot net, A03 and Wattpad – for people to enjoy. I found out through one of my dedicated followers that someone was re-posting Heroes as their own story on Wattpad. For alerting me to this, this chapter of Heroes is dedicated to one of my followers on Wattpad and someone who enjoys the story as much as I do: GraceNdivine. Thankyou for looking out for me and my story.


The instant that the quinjet landed, Harry hit the button to lower the rear ramp and had to promptly swivel to the side to avoid getting hit by the pieces of Iron Man armour shooting through the door. He watched as Tony stood, his arms out wide as the armour locked into place. As the helmet snapped on, the Iron Man armour eyes and the chest piece began glowing.

"You good?" Harry asked.

"I am now," Tony replied as they strode from the quinjet. "This armour's a lot more powerful than the Space Armour. Convene in the Training Room; I've contacted the others."

Harry twisted on the spot arriving at the designated room long before Iron Man flew in, landing in his trademark crouch. And then others began arriving: Hawkeye, Bruce, Mockingbird, Pietro, War Machine ...

"That's it? Where's everyone else?" Tony asked, sounding somewhere between panicked and indignant.

"Cap's taken a team to Nigeria after a threat," Bobbi replied. "Everyone else is either at their day jobs or at school."

"But I called a Code Red!" Tony protested.

"Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?" Clint asked. "That's what happens; you call it for unimportant things, people don't believe you the next time."

"My wedding to Pepper was anything but unimportant, Bird-brain," Tony shot back. "But this really is a Code Red situation."

"It is," Harry confirmed. "We'll have to fill the others in later."

"Fill us in on what?" Rhodey asked.

It was at that precise moment that four individuals appeared in their midst, along with the world's largest dog. Every Avenger took a step back even as repulsors began glowing, bows were raised, wands were readied and Bruce's skin took on a decided green tinge.

"We mean you no harm," the only woman, a red-head whose excessively long hair was moving of its own accord in a non-existent breeze stated, her hands up, as though in peace.

"Who are you? What are you?" Tony asked, staring at the powerful-looking hooves for feet that one of the men had.

"I am Medusa, Queen of Attilan," the woman said. "This is my husband Black Bolt, King of Attilan and the Inhumans. Karnack is our Advisor and Gorgon is our Head of Security."

Harry stared at the three men. Apart from the hooves of Gorgon, they all appeared human. Black Bolt appeared to be typical Caucasian man; Gorgon – or at least, the top half of him – of African descent; and Karnack had more of an oriental look to him.

"Inhumans?" he questioned, latching on to the familiar word.

The supposed King of the Inhumans looked at him and began moving his hands in front of him in an intricate pattern.

"We Inhumans are descended from an experiment conducted by an alien race called the Kree ..." Medusa said.

"That they did on ancient humans," Tony finished. "You're his interpreter? I'm guessing big, dark and silent there's mute?"

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