Big Green Times Two

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"Where are we?" Jennifer asked, looking around at the great flat expanse of nothingness.

The ground was dry and parched, huge cracks having formed in places. What grass there was was brown and clumpy, as though sticking together gave it a better chance of survival. Off in the far distance, small humps of red indicated where the mountains rose from the flat earth.

Bruce lifted his hand to shade his eyes from the glare of the bright yellow sun.

"Nevada," he replied simply.

"This is where you want to try to help me get a handle on whatever's happening to me?" Jennifer asked incredulously. "There's nothing here!"

"Exactly," Bruce said. "That way, if something goes wrong – for either of us – we're not likely to make a ... mess."

Jennifer flicked a thumb over her shoulder at the quinjet.

"And what about it? Or Harry?" she asked.

"Harry can take care of himself," the man in question replied from where he lounged, leaning against the wall of the inside of the quinjet away from the sun.

"And he's our best bet if something does go wrong," Bruce added. "He's got the magic to calm us down."

"That didn't work the last time that I took that disgusting potion of his," Jennifer pointed out.

"I'll admit that I stuffed up there," Harry called. "Bruce needs a calming draught; you apparently need a cheering charm. At least, that's the theory I'm working on."

"Theory?" Jennifer near-screamed.

"Yes, theory," Bruce said calmly. "That's why we're here, remember?"

Jennifer's chest was heaving as she fought to control herself. That didn't stop her from glaring at the two men, though.

"You've brought me out here, into the middle of nowhere, all on his theory that his magic will work on me and on your theory that I can change through the simple power of my mind," Jennifer stated shaking her head. "Have either of you taken into consideration that I don't want to change back into that green monster?"

"I know, Jennifer, believe me, I know," Bruce said, taking her hands and staring into her eyes intently. "I've been through this and I've spent years trying to get a handle on the Hulk. I firmly believe that you have a chance that I've never had and I want to help you. Don't you want to know if you can handle a transformation if and when it happens. Because, believe me, it will happen."

Jennifer's eyes were locked with his. Finally, she sighed.

"Alright. Remind me again what you think happens with me?" she said.

"We know that even when you're changed you retain full awareness of who you are. That includes access to all of your knowledge, memories and intelligence," Bruce stated. "Like me, I think that your ... change is based on emotion. Anger to be precise, although it seems stress could also be a factor. I believe that if you can get a handle on those emotions, force yourself to let go of them, you can voluntarily change back."

"Right, like stopping yourself from being angry or stressed is so easy," Jennifer pointed out sarcastically.

"Thus, why we're out here to try," Bruce replied. "And so you know, it can be. I'm always angry, that's why it's so easy for me to change into the Hulk. I just have problems changing back because the Hulk can't access his emotions enough to change them or to let them go."

"How do we do this?" she asked.

Bruce grimaced. "You're not going to like this. Firstly, we need to trigger a change and then we need to try to help you change back. I, or Harry if I'm unavailable, will try to guide you with breathing exercises and meditation tips."

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