Nothin' But Pride

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The quinjet settled into the outfield of what looked to be an old baseball field. Judging by its unkept appearance – long grass and even small bushes beginning to grow in the middle of the diamond, they assumed that no one would be using it or even accidentally stumble into the cloaked quinjet if they left it here. The only downside was how far they were from their target.

"Well, the good news is that three of us can fly and Fleetfoot here can run rings around everyone," Tony commented.

"And what about me?" Jennifer asked, her arms crossed.

"You'll make do," Tony shrugged. "Especially with the phone call that I made."

"What phone call?" Jennifer asked suspiciously.

"You do remember that we're trying to keep a low profile here, right?" Pietro asked.

The appearance of a car pulling into the carpark behind the fence had the team turning to stare out the front window. The tension only increased when said car was seen to be an L.A. Sheriff's car.

"Dad?" Jennifer whispered. And then, as then her face burst into a massive grin as the sheriff exited the car. "Dad!"

Instantly, she bolted for the rear of the quinjet, slapped the button to lower the ramp and was out before the ramp had even touched the ground.

Tony gave a single, satisfied nod followed by a smug look in Pietro's direction before heading for the armour against one wall.

Sneaky, he'd named it. The Mark XV armour. He'd known that rebuilding all of his armours and repopulating his Hall of Armours was a good idea. Sneaky may not be his most powerful armour, but it was the only one with the retroreflective panels built onto it to allow it to disappear into the background. And it wasn't as though Sneaky didn't have some weapons – just in case, mind you – but Tony knew that firing even one of them would negate Sneaky's stealth.

Stepping into the armour, Tony fired it up although, for now, he left the retroreflective panels inactive.

"You know, Miss Danvers, if you're going to stay on Earth and be a part of this team, we're going to have to do something with that uniform of yours," Tony commented.

"It's 'Captain'," Carol retorted before looking down at her black and green Kree uniform with the gold starburst on her chest. "And what's wrong with my uniform."

"Well, for one, it's Kree and those guys don't have the best reputation around here, especially with the Inhumans," Tony replied. "And second, black with that green? Really? Whoever came up with that colour choice really needs to have their eyes checked."

Tony smiled, seeing the thoughtful frown on her face.

"Maybe," she allowed. "But I like my uniform."

"As much as it pains me to say, Stark is right," Thor joined the conversation. "Your Kree uniform does give the wrong impression."

"If it's that big a deal, then just change the colours," Pietro stated over his shoulder as he exited the quinjet.

Tony looked at Carol. "Well?"

"I'll consider it, assuming that I get to pick the colours," she replied.

"And what if your colour coordination is off?" Tony called after her as she descended the ramp. "You have been living with aliens for years."

"I'm a woman, my colour coordination is never wrong," she retorted.

"She has you there, Stark," Thor grinned, slapping him on the back.


"This is the place," Sheriff William Walters stated, nodding at the construction site across the road.

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