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Avengers Dis-Assembled!

The headline, or versions of it, were splashed over every newspaper in the world. The news of the signing of the Sokovia Accords by most of the governments of the world at the latest meeting of the United Nations was the hot topic for days.

Page after page in every newspaper and magazine talked about nothing else. And one of the biggest topics was the fact that not one Avenger or any of the other enhanced had signed the Accords. News bulletins, talk shows, current affairs programs, every single one of them ran special coverage. Reporters began camping outside both Avengers Tower and Avengers Compound.

What increased the speculation and enhanced the idea that the Avengers were no more was the fact that not a single Avenger had been seen since the signing. There hadn't even been any quinjets with the distinctive, stylised 'A' seen in the sky, either.

New York, especially, felt it, when, without the regular appearance of Daredevil, Spider-Man, Mage, Squirrel Girl and Marauder, the streets became deserted. No longer were the regular, everyday citizens going out at night or, if they did, it was at a much greater pace, their heads constantly turning to look over their shoulders.

Finally, three days after the accords were signed, a press conference was held. Reporters found it standing room only as they packed in, video cameras, tape recorders, phones and notepads at the ready.

The appearance of Lavender Brown, Press Secretary for the Avengers had the room instantly hushing as she took to the podium.

"Good morning," she began. "There has been a great deal of speculation over the past few days about what the Sokovia Accords being ratified by so many members of the United Nations means for the Avengers.

"The Accords spelt it out quite plainly, even in its revised edition following the Round Table conference that was held between the different 'tribes' of humans: the Avengers would only be allowed to operate under the strict guidance of a United Nations Panel. After much discussion amongst the Avengers, it was decided that working for and under a government body would greatly inhibit what it was that the Avengers could do and would be allowed to do.

"The Avengers have only ever wanted the best for the people of the world, to do that which was right in order to keep everyone safe from those people or things that would harm them. The governing body of the world has decided that they can do a better job than the Avengers. Thus, the Avengers will respect that.

"From this date onwards, the Avengers, despite their own personal feelings about the Sokovia Accords, will honour those laws. They will stand down, allowing the recognised law agencies around the world to keep everyone safe from harm.

"But know this: the Avengers will be watching. If they find a situation where the people or the world itself is in grave danger, danger that threatens lives to the extent that the regular law officers or military cannot stop or prevent it, then they will do their part and step back in.

"Thank you."

And with that, Lavender picked up her tablet and strode from the room, ignoring the cacophony of questions that erupted behind her.


"... despite their own personal feelings about the Sokovia Accords, will honour those laws. They will stand down ..."

"Listen to that, boys," Adrian Toomes crowed. "No more costumed freaks running around getting in the way of business."

"Does that mean that we can operate out in the open now?" Mason asked.

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