Unexpected Arrival

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The portkey released the group in the middle of the large common room of Avengers Tower, not that the newcomers realised that. At that instant, all that the six of them were interested in was throwing up. Actually, seeing the dinosaur retching and gagging, Harry revised that number to seven.

By the time that they'd finished, the floor was a disaster zone and the smell was making the others in the room nauseous as well. Thankfully, that's what cleaning spells and air-freshening spells were for.

"What the hell was that?" Nico demanded.

"Portkey," Mage replied. "I did warn you that the first couple of times is unpleasant."

"Next time, put that warning in giant, glowing letters on the side of the packaging," Gert complained.

"With the recommendation that no one should ever attempt it!" Chase added.

"I'm just glad that I hadn't eaten much the last few days," Molly said. "I'd hate to do that on a full stomach."

"It takes a bit to get used to, but you do get used to it," Squirrel Girl said sympathetically.

"Hey, at least none of you guys are wearing a mask," Spider-Man told them. "Imagine what it was like for me the first time!"

"Ah, no thanks," Karolina said.

"Here, drink this," She-Hulk said, coming across to the group with a tray bearing six glasses of juice. "It'll take the taste away."

"Thanks," Gert said and then looked across at her dinosaur. "I don't suppose you've got anything for Old Lace, do you?"

"Depends," Lavender replied. "What do deinonychus' eat?"

"She's a carnivore," Gert shrugged. "So, anything with meat'd be good."

"There's some leftover lasagne in the fridge," Lavender suggested. "I'm sure that Thor won't mind."

"What won't Thor mind?"

Mage looked around to find the Asgardian in question entering the room, along with Jane and Carol.

"You won't mind if we give the dinosaur the leftover lasagne," Lavender replied, holding up the container.

"My lasagne?" Thor repeated, clearly nonplussed.

"Dinosaur?" Jane exclaimed at the same time. "Woah! Right. Dinosaur. Um, where'd the dinosaur come from?"

"She belongs to our new guests," Mage stated.

"Thor, let the dinosaur have the lasagne," Jane suggested, even as she shuffled behind him, grabbing onto his arm in the process. "I don't like the way she's looking at me."

"Don't worry, Old Lace won't hurt you," Gert replied.

"You're Thor, god of thunder!" Molly exclaimed.

"I am," Thor replied and Mage was pleased to see him give a nod of assent to Lavender. "And who might you be?"

"I'm Molly," she said. "That's Gert, Chase, Nico, Karolina and Alex."

"They've been on the run from their parents who also happen to run the largest crime organisation in L.A.," She-Hulk stated.

"Yeah, everyone always thinks that their parents are evil; turns out that theirs really are!" Spider-Man stated.

"You sure that it's okay if we crash here?" Nico asked, looking around the room.

"This is only a half-way point," Mage replied. "I've got some place better in mind where you'll be able to feel more comfortable."

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