No Good Answers

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"Help!" Skye yelled the instant that she landed, barely managing to suppress the scream of pain in her leg and arm in favour of finding someone to help Pietro.

A pop startled her and she jerked backwards, away from the intense purple eyes that appeared right in front of her.

"What does Miss need from Gangee?" the house elf said.

But before Skye could reply, Gangee's eyes widened as he fixed on the sight of the blood pooling from Skye and the amount that was all over both her and Pietro. With a snap of the elf's fingers, Skye found herself magically moved once again.

She blinked, recognising that she'd been moved from the large, open lounge room in the main building on Paradis Noir across to one of the rooms in the small hospital. Half a minute later, Gangee trotted into the room, Daphne hot on her heels.

"Skye! What happened?" Daphne asked, her wand moving over her.

"We were shot," Skye replied succinctly.

Frowning at the ghostly image of Skye that she'd conjured above her, Daphne began issuing orders to the pair of house elves that had appeared in the corner of the room.

"Tempi, get a vial of pain relief potion and two of blood replenishing for Skye," Daphne ordered before looking down at her. "Drink them all; yes, they'll taste revolting, but you need them."

Just as Daphne was turning away to check on Pietro on the other bed, Skye stopped her by grabbing onto her arm. When she turned back, Skye opened her palm with the small, crystal vial in it.

"From Harry," Skye said. "He said that it was phoenix tears? He also said that you were to try everything, something about his 'saving people thing' and that he'd be annoyed if you didn't."

Daphne shook her head but took the vial.

"Yes, Potter's predilection for that sort of behaviour is well-known," Daphne commented. "'Annoyed', huh? I'll show him annoyed."

Seconds later, she was waving her wand over Pietro.

"There's something wrong with my diagnostic charms," Daphne commented softly, frustratedly, "but even with that, I can tell. I'm sorry, but he didn't make it? Who was he?"

"Pietro," Daphne replied. "He's ... I think he's one of us. At least he was helping fight Ultron. He was shot saving me, Clint and some kid. Harry said something about putting him in stasis if that helps."

Daphne stared at her. "He would. How long ago was he shot?"

"Dunno," Skye shrugged. "Two minutes, three? Hard to tell with all of the magical travelling that I've been subjected to, especially from half-way around the world."

"How quickly did Potter apply the charm?" Daphne asked.

Skye had to finish swallowing the last of the vials of blood-red, stomach-churning goo before she could reply and suppress the overpowering urge to vomit it all back up.

"He was there almost as soon as it happened. Half a minute. Maybe less," Skye shrugged.

"Merlin damn that idiot," Daphne cursed. "If he was a Healer ..." she waved her wand over Pietro's body once again. "The charm's been applied correctly but still. I'd have to fix all the damage caused by those bullets before I could safely remove the stasis charm. And all that has to be done before attempting to restart his heart and lungs. I'm not even sure that I can repair the damage while he's in stasis."

"What sort of chance would you give him?" Skye asked.

Daphne shook her head. "One in a hundred and even then, there's no telling if his brain has been damaged, although that's less likely with how quickly Potter acted. However, the longer I wait to begin, the lower his odds. That means that your injuries are going to have to wait."

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