We Have A Plan. Attack!

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The twin quinjets skimmed just above the treetops as they flew deeper into the State of Amazonas in Brazil. All indication said that their tactic was working perfectly, that the inhabitants of Barracuda Base had no idea that they were coming.

Of course, getting there undetected was one thing; finding somewhere to land in the dense jungle was another.

"Tony, maybe you, Steve and Thor should go down and make us a landing site," Nat suggested. Noting the looks that she was getting from Tony and Steve who were in the quinjet with her, she continued. "You three did do a good job in that forest way back when when you all first met."

"I've done Shakespeare in the Park once, I don't do encore performances," Tony retorted.

"QJ1, I've found you a parking spot," Hill said over the radio from back at the Tower. "Satellites have a clearing bearing zero one five degrees, two point three kilometres from your present position."

"Copy," Clint at the helm replied. "That'll leave us a good ten kilometres to go on foot."

"It's a better idea than putting down in the middle of Barracuda itself," Hill replied.

"Is there enough space in the clearing for both quinjets?" Steve asked.

"Negative. However, I have located a second clearing six point nine kilometres from where you'll be setting down," Hill replied.

"That works," Steve said. "Take us down."

"I'm going to lose visuals once you're on the ground," Hill warned.

"Got you covered," Tony replied. "Jarvis?"

Soft whumps sounded from both sides of the quinjet and all inside twisted about to look out the window. Nine small silver spheres, barely larger than a baseball, soared away from each side of the quinjet before fanning out to cover the jungle below. Glints of lights in the distance indicated at the spheres were being ejected from the second quinjet as well.

"Telemetry and images are starting to come in; we have eyes and ears," Hill reported.


The landing was barely bigger than the quinjet, really, when it came down to it, only the fact that its wings were able to tuck up and over meant that it was large enough to use to land in.

"Right, everyone remember where we parked," Mage stated as he led the way down the rear ramp.

The jungle that surrounded them was thick. Trees grew close together and vines hung down from the higher branches. What light filtered in through the treetops was dappled and didn't penetrate far.

"How far to the bad guys?" Spider-man asked.

"A little over five kilometres," She-Hulk stated.

"There are squirrels here," an excited-sounding Squirrel Girl stated, punctuated by the chittering of Monkey Joe on her shoulder.

"We best get moving," Thor called.

Noting that Spider-man was raising his arm, Mage reached out and lowered it.

"Best walk like the rest of us for now, you don't want to run out of webbing when you really need it," he advised.

"Yeah, that'd be bad," Spider-man nodded.

"Looks like Stark's gizmos are leading the way," Daredevil called, his head tilted up towards the sky.

And indeed, he was right. The eighteen small, silver spheres that had ejected from the quinjet upon their approach were hovering to the northern part of the clearing.

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