A Decision Revisited

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"I now close this Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly," Didimus Gonzales, Secretary-General of the United Nations stated before quickly continuing before the Delegates could begin talking, shuffling papers or worse, leaving. "There will be a short recess of ten minutes before a Special Meeting of the General Assembly will begin. This will be a Closed Session. As such, all media representatives, public guests in the gallery and all non-Delegates will be asked to leave. In addition, only essential Translators will be permitted to remain."

As expected, there was a moment of silence as either his words were being translated into the dozens of languages that the Delegates spoke or his surprise statement was being processed. Well, surprise to most; there were, after all, a handful that knew not only that this meeting would be happening but also what the topic under discussion was to be.

And then the noise level grew. Delegates were quickly on their feet, either stretching or striding from their seat to have a quiet word with other Delegates. The Gallery, Didimus could see, was being cleared by the Guards. And up in the huge, glass-fronted room that overlooked the large Assembly room of their Geneva Headquarters, close to half of the translators were in the process of collecting their belongings before they would be escorted from the room.

Soon enough, the General Assembly was once again seated in their places, many looking around the room at how empty it seemed without all of the on-lookers and extra individuals in attendance. It was actually extremely rare for the any meetings of the United Nations to be conducted like this and even Didimus found it somewhat disconcerting. After all, the UN was supposed to be a body that represented the world and hiding behind closed doors and making decisions that way just felt wrong.

After sweeping his gaze over the room one last time, Didimus straightened in his chair and touched the button that rang a melodious chime, signalling that the meeting was about to begin.

"Please close and secure the doors," he called to the guards placed beside said doors. "No one apart from Delegates is permitted into this room until the meeting has concluded."

"Excuse me, Mister Secretary General," Pierre Laroche, the Delegate for France called. "But I believe that there is still one last individual that needs to leave before the meeting can begin."

"Thank you, Mister Laroche. However, United States Secretary of State General Thaddeus Ross is here at my personal invitation. He has previously held a vital role with the United Nations and his expertise and opinion will be needed for the discussion at hand," Didimus replied.

When the last door had been closed – with the guards now positioned outside of the Assembly room – the Secretary General nodded.

"Thank you all for staying," he began. "I acknowledge that I have circumvented normal procedures by announcing this Meeting with Special Business in this way and even more so by not informing you of the topic beforehand. The reason that I have done this is because of the sensitive nature of what we will be discussing and most especially with how ... controversial it is among the general public of the world.

"Today, it is my intention for us to discuss The Sokovia Accords, also known as the Superhuman Registration Act."

"What is there to discuss?" the Egyptian Delegate asked. "We discussed this at length amongst ourselves and even hosted a symposium with the extra-humans themselves. The vote was all but unanimous."

"I have heard no reports of the Avengers or the other groups acting against the Accords," David Winchester, the representative for Great Britain stated. "Unless there are reports that have been covered up?"

"No," Didimus replied quickly. "The Avengers, the X-men, the Fantastic Four – not to mention all of their allies – have all abided by the Accords, keeping every law to the letter."

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