Foul-Mouthed Little Toad

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Harry was having the time of his life. A massive grin was plastered to his face even as he continuously dodged the threat in front of him.

Watching carefully, he stepped to the right.


A second quick-step left.

Spin back to the right.

Drop to his hands and knees before pushing straight upwards in a jump.

Gaining his feet, Harry laughed as he dodged again. A simple half-turn was enough to evade the next attack.

His opponent, it was easy to see, was starting to get frustrated; his face intense and frowning. The wand-work, too, was starting to get sloppy as Teddy tried to hurry his shots making them go further and further afield. Coming to a decision, Harry spun to the right, flicking his wand into his hand as he did so.

"Flavo pila pingere!" Harry snapped, elucidating clearly for Teddy to hear.

Teddy, though, obviously wasn't expecting it for his mouth was still dropped open in surprise when the bright yellow blob of paint smacked him straight in the chest.

"Uncle Harry!" he protested. "You're not supposed to be shooting back!"

Harry laughed.

"When have you ever seen or heard of a duel where only one person casts?" Harry asked. "Part of duelling and casting is to know how and when to dodge yourself. You can't just stand there like some great lump. Move around a bit in case I shoot back."

Teddy nodded and pushed a lock of hair out of his eyes. A determined expression came over his face and he nodded once again, this time lifting his wand into a ready position.

Before Teddy could fire his first magical paintball, though, a triple rap at the door above caused both Harry and Teddy to look up.

"That'll be Doreen," Harry remarked before smirking at his godson. "Hold up and let me let her in."

Ignoring Teddy's confused expression, Harry bounded up the spiral staircase taking two steps at a time.

"Hey, Harry," Doreen began as Harry yanked the door open.

"Hi, Doreen," Harry said happily before grabbing her arm and pulling her inside.

"Wait! What?" Doreen protested.

"Time for some training," was Harry's only response.

"Oh, okay," Doreen replied, still sounding confused. "I guess you guys can pick what you want for dinner later."

When the two hit the bottom of the stairs, Harry practically dragged the teen girl across the basement to the far side of the room from Teddy. There he dug around in a cupboard until he found the bag of marbles that he'd stashed in there after finding them when he was first renovating. One quick transfiguration later and the bag of marbles was now a bag of bright blue paint balls.

"Here. Put these in one of your belt pouches," Harry instructed.

After staring between Harry and the paint balls, Doreen shrugged and complied.

"Right," Harry said, leaning in towards her and lowering his voice. "I'm going to have Teddy shoot paint balls at you using his magic. I want you to dodge them and, when you get the chance, throw yours back at him."

Doreen's eyes flicked over Harry's shoulder at the other teen in the room.

"Um, what about ...?" she asked, nibbling her lip.

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